Chapter 8

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"Guys there's only one way we can get the Stones back to defeat Thanos", Natasha realised. 
"We will have to go back in time."

The Hulk- actually we call him Smart Hulk to mock him since he and Banner got together in one body. And a Hulk wearing clothes and glasses? It's a Smart Hulk- anyway! Banner didn't believe what he was hearing.
"Natasha it's impossible to do it. We don't have the equipment, a theorie... How will we ever be able to do so?"
"You're the scientist Bruce, not me", she defended herself.

Time travel. I don't think that it's even possible with Asgardian magic or the Tesseract or the Time Stone. Those last two are definitely no options since we lost those. 
"Loki has magic powers", a certain man called Ant-Man said. Ant-Man what a silly power. What is up with Midgardians and insect superpowers. First that spiderkid now Ant-Man. I sighed.
"Don't look at me. I was raised by a witch but she never taught me time travel." Thor chuckled.
"She did teach you how to transform into a snake and stab your own brother."
"Oh she did. She was so proud."

If only I could talk to her. She would know what I had to do. I could use her advice on Freya too. God I love that woman so much and now I had to leave her for I don't know how long. I hope she's alright.

"Banner I suppose you start investigating how we can time travel. Meanwhile me and the others, we are gonna look where the stones are at what time period", Steve said. We all agreed and started digging in files, telling the experiences from our lives with the stones. There must be something.

"Alright Loki I suppose we start with you for totally not obvious reasons", Natasha mocked. Thor laughed. I rolled my eyes.

"Right the Tesseract. Well. As we all know I used it in 2012 Midgardian years to open the portal for the Chitauri. Before that the Tesseract was locked in Odin's vault. I still don't know why. I suppose Odin was hoping he could use it in his advantage one day. He quite loves stealing things from other people on the battlefield to then later use them." There was a slight blaming in my sentence, on purpose. 
"Alright so I suppose we should pick New York 2012 for the Space Stone. Alright, the Aether, Thor?"

I sat back down with the others and listened to my brother. He was so chaotic.
"So the Aether got into Jane- she's an old flame of mine. She's a magnificent woman actually-" And so on and so forth about his silly relationship with her. Eventually we came to the conclusion that we would have to travel to Asgard before mother gets killed. 

A cold and sad shiver went through my body. My mother... Frigga. I wish I could've said goodbye to her. I wish I didn't send those Elves to the wrong chambers, yet I did.

After discussing all of the Stones' locations we came to the conclusion that we would have to travel in 3 teams. One team to New York 2012, one to Morag and Vormir and the last one to Asgard. I was sent to New York.

Bruce had figured out how to time travel thanks to rescuing of Tony. He had found a way and put his work together with Bruce's. They created our suits and so it began.

"Alright, stick to your plans. No do-overs since we only have one shot at this. We cannot change the timeline we're going to, so stay focust and don't do anything stupid." We got on the platform and put on our helmets. Bruce counted and we suddenly got sucked into another dimension. Through the GPS's that Tony created we traveled to the right year and location. 

I woke up in a demolished street. The Hulk ran by and smashed Chitauri with a car. I looked behind me and saw Banner being awkward. Steve explained the plan. 
"Bruce you get the Time Stone. Meanwhile civilians might see you so, smash."
"I'll try my best", Bruce said. He walked over to a car and stood next to it. He hit his fist on the roof but with barely any damage. I sighed. This is gonna be terrific.

Rogers took us to the Stark Tower. We entered the building and tried not to be too remarkable. We entered the living room where I was being captured by the Avengers- well 2012 me. I hid behind a fake wall with Tony and Ant-Man. 

"If it's all the same to you, I'll have that drink now", the 2012 version of me spoke. The Hulk growled and Thor pulled me up. 
"This is embarrassing", I said to our Stark.
"Well, I'm glad you finally know it. Alright little guy, now's your turn. And oh my god Rogers those pants don't suit you at all."
"Keep it focust Stark", Rogers said through the comm link.
"For as far as I am concerned that's America's ass", Lang said. I rolled my eyes. 

A SHIELD agent walked towards us. He saw us and was confused. I quickly grabbed him by his arm and knocked him out. I put a spell on him, one that mother taught me, and made the man disappear. Tony got mad.

"Where is he", he asked.
"Gone into space."
"Just kidding he's a few blocks away, sleeping peacefully in someone's couch." I chuckled.

The Avengers went inside the elevator, meaning it was my time to shine. I transformed myself into the SHIELD agent I just took down and joined them. Thor looked at me in confusion.
"I had orders to join you in the elevator, in case he tries to escape", I explained myself. I was standing next to the other me. He looked right into my eyes. Now I get why Freya loves them so much, they're beautiful- am I drooling over myself right now? 

Loki! Narcissist! Focus!

"I know who you are", a voice spoke in my head. 

"You're me, from the future. You're up to something."

I looked at Loki and he looked deeply into my eyes. He knew.


The elevator stopped and we all stepped out. Thor took Loki. I looked behind me and saw Stark already had changed into a SHIELD security agent. Great! 

Thor started discussing 2012 Loki's future: taking him to Asgard, facing Odin... I rolled my eyes in sync with Loki. Suddenly 2012 Stark fell down onto the ground. The plan had worked. I tried to kick the case with the Tesseract toward our Tony. He picked it up and opened the door. Suddenly the Hulk stomped in screaming: "no stairs!" The case fell on the ground and the Tesseract got out of it. It landed at Loki's feet.

I looked at him. He took it in his hands and looked at me. Raised his eyebrow and disappeared into a fog. I was in disbelief. He got away. Where to? He won't flee to Asgard, there he would have to face Odin like I did, like how it was supposed to happen!

"Come on Reindeer Games, we gotta move quickly", Tony panicked in the comm link.
"What happened", Rogers asked.
"He got away", I told him.

Did we create another timeline?

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