"Gabe, I wouldn't like to." I said. He stood up from spot with a blank look on his face. I stood up and walked towards him. "Gabe, I would LOVE to!" I said.

"Are you serious Autumn!? You almost gave me a heart attack!" He said bringing me into a tight hug. I laughed. We pulled away and he rapped his hands around my waist. I rapped my hands around his neck. "So your officially my girlfriend?" He asked.

"Yes, Gabe! I am!" I said with a big smile. He brought me into a hug and spun me around.

"We have to go tell them." He said pulling away.

"How about in the morning, it's pretty late." I suggested.

"Right, good idea. So let's get sleeping." He said going under the covers. I did the same. He pulled me towards him and hugged me tightly. He gave me a quick kiss on the cheek.

"Goodnight Autumn, my new GIRLFRIEND. I love you!" He said with excitement.

"Goodnight Gabe, my new BOYFRIEND. I love you too!" I said smiling. With that we both fell asleep.



"Hey guys, come and eat." I heard Allie say.

"Okay, just a sec." I said to her. She walked away.

"Gabe, we have to wake up." I said softly.

"No, five more minutes." He said in his morning voice. He pulled me closer.

"Don't you want to tell them that, I'm your girlfriend? Because I want to tell them that your my boyfriend." I said smirking a little. A big smile was on his face.

"Okay, let's go!" He said grabbing my hand and pulling me out of bed. I laughed as we went downstairs. We went to the kitchen and everyone was eating.

"Good morning." I said with a big smile.

"Good morning guys! Here's some food." Cole said giving us each a plate of food. Gabe and I ate the food quietly. When we were done, Gabe and I made eye contact and we both nodded our heads.

"Hey guys. We have something to tell you." I said. Everyone put there attention to us.

"Autumn and I are now, boyfriend and girlfriend!" Gabe said. Everyone was shocked. And they cheered once they heard the words, 'boyfriend and girlfriend' it was a bit funny.

"Oh my gosh! Congrats!" Allie said hugging me and Gabe.

"You know what this means..." Dana said. We all gave him a confused look. "PARTY!!!" Everyone cheered. We all laughed at Dana as he danced around the kitchen.

"When did he asked you?" Will asked.

"He asked me yesterday night." I said looking at Gabe.

"You didn't do...anything after that did you?" Dana asked smirking. I knew what he was talking about.

"Of course not Dana." Gabe said before I did.

"Oh okay. Just making sure." We all laughed at Dana's sillyness.

The rest of the day we stayed at home and had a lazy day. We watched movies and ordered pizza. The whole time, Gabe and I were cuddling on the couch with a blanket over us.

"I love you." I said first this time.

"I love you too." Gabe said followed by a peck on my lips.



We have been together for a year. A year! And I love him so much! He is so sweet and kind. Right now, I'm just going to check the mail. When I came back inside, I checked the mail and found something that surprised me oh so very much. I got a letter from the Professional Performing Arts School. I opened it with disbelief. It turns out my school director sent a video to them. And now they want me too teach, for a year! They want me to start as soon as possible. I screamed a little in disbelief. I rushed to my car and drove to Gabe's house. I have to tell him this exciting news.

He opened the door before I could knock.

"Autumn, I was about to go look for you. Come in." He said letting me in. We stood in the living room.

"I have something to tell you!" We both said in unison with excitement.

"No you go first. No you!" We both said in unison again. I covered Gabe's mouth.

"You go first." I said uncovering his mouth.

"Okay! So I talked to Jill and the boys and....we are going on tour for two years! It's going to be almost all around the world." He said with excitement. "And the best part is....you can come with me!" Oh snap!

"Wait when is it?" I asked.

"Well the tour starts in a week." He said. I just stood still. "What's wrong, you don't look happy."

"I am, I just um, well, I can't go on the tour with you." I said sitting down on the couch. He sat next to me.

"What? Why not?" He said softly.

"Gabe, I got an offering to go teach at a school for a year."

"Where is this school?" He asked.

"It's in...New York." I said hanging my head down low.

"Oh. When do you start?" He asked.

"They said as soon as possible." I said.

"Oh." We sat there in silence. "What happens now?"

"I don't know." I said.

"Well, you should go. It's a great opportunity for you." He said facing me holding my hands.

"But, what's going to happen....with....us?" I asked.

"We can have a long distance relationship." He said. I thought about it.

"No, I can't put you through that. We both can't go through that." I said.

"Then, what do we do?" He asked. I took deep breathe. I know what has to be said.

"Well, you know what they say, if you love them, you got to let them go." I said while a tear fell from my eye.

"Are you saying we should break up!?" Gabe said standing up.

"Well it's the only thing we can do. I'm sorry Gabe." There was silence. Gabe walked to the window and looked out. I stood up and walked towards him. "Gabe, you know how long distance relationships work. I just love you too much to let you go through that." I said putting my hand on his shoulder. He turned to me. He pushed me against the wall. His eyes were full of lust. I was a bit frightened, but in a way, I liked it. He smashed his lips into mine. I didn't hesitate to kiss him back, I really wanted to. He held my hands against the wall on each side of my head. It was a passionate kiss. I got out of his grip and rapped my arms around his head, deepening the kiss. He rapped his arms around me waist, making us closer than before. Slowly we started walking to the couch, not breaking the kiss. He laid me down and hovered over me. We kissed passionately. He was so gentle, I didn't want to let him go. We finally pulled away. He looked at me while his hands supported him up.

"I love you too. And, I can't put you through that either. With this kiss, I say, goodbye." He kissed me. A tear fell from my eye.
Hello! So, one more chapter. And then this book with be done. Love you guys! Vote and Comment! I will be updating the last chapter today. So, see you later! Love you all!

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