Chapter 5

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The sun rose over the horizon, its rays of light alerting the denizens of Magnolia below that a new day with new beginnings at come. In the Fairy Tail guild headquarters the light shown through its many windows, some of which were located in the infirmary where two naked bodies were intertwined with each other. Natsu groaned, as he felt a light over his eyes thus making him turn his head and continue with his dream. What he wasn't expecting though was for his pillow to jiggle like jelly with the movement of his head. Lifting his hand to inspect said pillow he poked it only for a moan to be heard and immediately a girlish giggle. Opening his eyes and looking up he found himself looking into the deep blue eyes of Mirajane Strauss, her calming smile directed towards him. Natsu was about to scream for mercy before the nights events finally came to the forefront of his mind. Everything that happened the night before was coming in clear as crystal in his mind and he let out a sigh of relief knowing that he was no longer in any danger.

"Good morning sleepyhead" Mira greeted, her arms still wrapped around the dragon slayers neck. With her fingers she traced circles on his shoulder blades while marveling at how broad his back was. She could also feel some of the scratch marks she left there as well making her both apologetic but horny as well.

"Hehe, good morning Mira. What…time is it" Natsu yawned as he could still feel the sleep in his system. However whatever sleep was still left quickly disappeared when he remembered where they were: the guild's infirmary in the Fairy Tail guild headquarters. Natsu once again was about to jump out of bed before Mirajane pulled him back down to her chest. Natsu looked at her astonished that she wasn't panicking as well but was as calm as a cucumber towards the situation. She was smiling serenely as if they weren't in any trouble at all.

"Ara ara, where do you think you're going huh" she playfully chastised him.

"Mira we need to get up and leave now! Everybody will be here in a few minutes! WHAT IF WE GET CAUGHT!" he yelled in a state of worry.

"Relax Natsu, we still have another hour before the others start to show" she assured him.

"How do you know though!?"

"Because I'm been a bartender here for the past few years, silly. I know the hours of the guild like the back of my hand. Who do you think opens this place up?" she questioned while rolling her eyes at him.

"I always thought it was gramps" Natsu answered. Her response was a giggle making Natsu more confused.

"You're half right. Master used to open the guild but after he lost the keys a few times after getting drunk he trusted me with them once I became a bartender" she explained. Natsu just nodded in understanding. He could see how that could happen with the Master, he may be their superior but he was about as immature and reckless as they were at times. But despite all his faults you had to love the guy.

"So if we have another hour until the others come, what you wanna do" he asked. Mira placed a dainty finger on her chin thinking about what they could do to kill time. Shooting him a sultry smile Natsu had an idea about what she had in mind.

"I would say that we could continue from last night but first things first, we need to clean up" she said grinning at the disappointed look on the fire mage's face. Releasing him Natsu went to grab his clothes before he took a whiff of himself. He jerked his head back after sniffing his pits and looked back to Mirajane who sitting on the edge of the bed and stretching, the sheets covering her dignity.

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