Chapter Twelve

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Lan Wangji ended up staying that entire day at the Burial Mounds, talking with Wei Wuxian in the cave or giving Yuan some advice on swordsmanship. Yes, Yuan was exceptionally skilled but he'd seen Wangji practicing some Lan technics and thought they were interesting and asked to be taught. Wangji taught him and found it as a way to bond with the child and build trust.

He was glad that Yuan seemed to be warming up to him, that Wei Ying didn't seem so put off with him. Xuanyu seemed anxious but he could tell he was trying to give him the benefit of the doubt, if only because Wei Ying trusts Wangji. Wen Ning also seemed distrustful but left him be, only to watch him from a distance. And Xue Yang, well, he didn't even want to give Wangji the time of day. Wangji decided he'd just stay away from Xue Yang and if he tried anything he'd tell Wei Ying about it and let him handle it. After all, Xue Yang is under Wei Wuxian's protection, Wangji couldn't lay a finger on him without the other three, and possibly Wei Ying coming after him.

He understood Xue Yang, to a degree though, he'd also have trouble trusting others if he were in their position. If Yuan were talking with either of the three he'd just stand back so as to not annoy Xue Yang further than he already was. Or he'd be back in the cave with Wei Ying, which is where he is now watching the man in silence as he worked on what seemed to be a possible new invention.

Wei Wuxian's shoulders were slumped, back arched over as he worked. Wangji wasn't sure what it was he was working on but it seemed to be stressing Wei Ying to no end. He watched him roughly run his fingers through his hair and pull it a few times. Wei Ying would puff out a breath before writing some notes down and picking up the object, tinkering with it before placing it down and writing more notes down. 

"Wei Ying," Wangji began, startling the man a bit, "why don't you take a break, let's go for a walk."

Wei Wuxian looked up from his table sighing heavily then slammed his head down onto the hard surface. He needed a bottle or two or even three. He let out two short whistles and a few minutes later Wen Ning showed up, "What's wrong Master Wei?"

"Wen Ning please bring me a few bottles of wine," Wei Ying muttered, his face still placed on the table.

Wen Ning tilted his head concerned but said, "alright," and left to retrieve the wine.

Wangji was growing concerned, he knew Wei Ying was a heavy drinker, but he seemed to drink a lot more now since then. It also left him confused, Wei Ying never seemed to get drunk no matter how much he drank yet if he were to have the tiniest sip of alcohol he'd pass out. And other clans always questioned why alcohol was forbidden in Cloud Recesses and they were by law not allowed to drink.

He was more so worried Wei Ying was using this substance to hide the fact that was internally hiding his pain and the trauma he's experienced in his life or even using it to forget the murders and killings he's done or is blamed for.

Lan Wangji was ignorant of his own feelings since he's known Wei Ying but to him, Wei Wuxian was an open book and he read him just as he could recite the Lan Principles by heart. 

Wen Ning came back and carefully placed the bottles on the table, "Here Master Wei, but I do hope you'd take a break and eat some real food, even if it's some congee."

Wei Ying waved him off. Wen Ning glanced at him one more time then at Wangji before leaving the cave.

Wangji frowned and stood up walking over to Wei Wuxian and pulling the man up, pulling his face from the table and stopping him from grabbing one of the bottles of wine. "Wei Ying, please take a break, let's go for a walk. We don't have to talk, let's just get some air," Wangji said, voice stern but quiet.

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