"ChanChan! Hi!", Niki said.

"Hey cutie. I heard about your member. How is he?"

"Doing good sounds like.", Jake replied.

"Sohee said he's okay, his breathing is fine now, and he's currently watching videos of us on her phone.", Yeonjun said.

Chanwoo smiled happily, holding out a box to Sunghoon.

"What is it?", he asked.

"I heard your boyfriend liked ice cream. So I made some for him. To make him feel better when he gets home."

"That's so sweet ChanChan.", Niki said.

Chanwoo hugged his boyfriend tightly.

"Hey, why don't you join us?", Taehyun asked.

"For filming?"

"Yeah! We would like to get to know you more.", Heeseung said.

Chanwoo thought for a second. He looked at Niki, who was giving him puppy eyes.

"Okay I'll join."

They all hugged him, welcoming him into the house.

"You can sleep in my room. Do you mind if he does Kai?"

The little looked Chanwoo up and down, smiling widely.

"He a cowboy! He stay wit us!"

Chanwoo laughed.

"First time someone has called me a cowboy."

Yeonjun leaned over to Sunghoon.

"Someone wants to talk to you."

He handed the younger the phone.


"I'm here. Come pick me up I want to come home."

"Sunoo! My poor angel! Baby how are you feeling? Are you okay? Does any part of you hurt? Are they treating you right over there? I'll fight."

"I'm fine. Thanks to them. I heard you did CPR on me?"

"I did. I'm an expert you know? Trained and all."

"Sure buddy."


"I mean...baby. But anyways, thank you. I know I scared you. I'm sorry. Little me has no concept of danger."

"I see. I'm putting a GPS on you. And a leash."

"Sounds kinky."


"Sorry. Beomgyu is corrupting me."

"Remind me to punch him. But seriously, how do you feel?"

"I feel okay. This experience made me realize something."


"I don't want to go...I don't want to leave you guys. It was terrifying, waking up alone in here. I realized I need you guys."

"And we need you too. When you come back, Niki's boyfriend got you a surprise."

"One of his Corgis?"

"What is it with the maknae line and Corgis?"

"They remind us of Jay."

"I'm telling him you said that."

The members were getting a quick introduction to Chanwoo while Sunghoon talked to Sunoo.

"So were you born in Seoul?", Jay asked.

"No actually. I'm from Texas. I came to Korea when I was five."

"No way...that's so cool.", Jake said.

"Yep. I have mastered the true art of country. My parents wanted to continue the farm they had back in Texas, so they built one next to this house."

"What made you want to be an idol?", Taehyun asked.

"I wanted a change of pace. My usual slow life was getting boring. I've always had a music passion though, I would learn kpop choreos in my spare time and perform them at school talent shows."

Niki took out his phone.

"Yeonjun can we add him to the GC?"


Thirteen Pretty Boys 👑

LetMeSleep: Welcome to the group chat Chanwoo!

KoreanCowboy: I'm honored. Also, like the username.

"Thank you all for including me.", Chanwoo said.

"Of course. You love Niki, so you're one of us now.", Jay said.

"You have any siblings?", Soobin asked.

"I do! I have a big sister. Her name is Hyunmae. She's a university student."


Sunghoon came into the room, handing Yeonjun his phone.

He sat down next to Jungwon, who was half asleep and jumped up when he felt the couch move.

"Sunoo said he can't wait to come back. He misses us."

"My babyyyyy!", Heeseung yelled, "Let's break him out."

"We're not going to be criminals like Beomgyu.", Jake said.

"It was one time!"

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