He's Still Watching

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"Grimm, you can't keep trying to sneak out. You know Mrs. Marsh has people watching you when you aren't with me or Ajax" Xavier tries to reason as I attempt to leave the school

"But why? What does she think I'm going to do? What do you and Ajax think I'm going to do?" irritation lacing my tongue as I speak

"Go after Tyler." he said simply "If you're going after Tyler, I've already told you, me and the others will go with you. We don't want you going alone"

But I need to go alone, I need to speak to him by myself. Just give me a chance.

"I'll find my wait out there by myself eventually." I state walking away from Xavier who looked hurt that I wouldn't include him. But I don't want him getting hurt. At least if he's locked in this school, nothing can happen to him.

I couldn't live with myself if he or Ajax, god even Enid or Wednesday, passed on my watch. Because of a boy who is overly obsessed and gives off serial killer vibes...nevermind he actually is a serial killer.

Which... hear me out. I for one, have a total thing for serial killers like, Michael Myers, Corey Cunningham, Pennywise, Jason, Ghostface, chucky, and many more.

But when you actually see one, work with one, date one, then that whole serial killers being hot thing drops from your mind and all's you feel is fear.

But Corey Cunningham still lives in my mind rent free. So many of the things he said in Halloween Ends I play on repeat in my mind.

I continue to get lost in thought about serial killers, when someone tries to get my attention.

"Grimm!" I snap over in the direction I heard my name being called, seeing Enid with Wednesday standing beside her, looking as deadly as ever.

I walk over to them glancing between the two. "Hello Wednesday, you look extra murderous today, and you, Enid, look extra vibrant?"

Wednesday had a slight smirk on her face, just barely there. But I could tell my compliment? Made her feel an ounce of happiness in that dead heart of hers.

"I've been trying to get your attention forever" Enid sighs

"I'm sorry, I was sorta lost in thought" I apologize yeah lost in thought thinking about Corey letting me ride on the back of his motorcycle.

"It's fine, it's just. I- We've been worried about you. You walk around school as if you're a ghost, you barely socialize with us anymore." she paused, sadness in her eyes "We're here for you. You know that right? Me, Wednesday, Thing, Ajax, and Xavier. We all care about you"

I smile slightly "I know, and I'm thankful for you all, including the hand that still kinda scares me. But, I need some space"

"Look, Grimm, I care about you. But you've been giving yourself space for 2 weeks. We want to be here for you. Please. Just open up a bit" Enid pleads, I can see that's she genuinely cares and is worried.

I sigh, thinking about it.

"I'm not going to talk about it if that's what you want. But I'll try to be a bit more social. Alright?"

Her eyes glow at the idea. "Thank you. I just worry about you" she than wraps her arms around me tightly. I bring my arms up and lightly hug her back.

She pulls back and smiles before grabbing Wednesday's hand and dragging her away giggling.

I genuinely smile for the first time in 2 weeks at the two girls. Those two are definitely meant to be.

I wear my smile up until I get to my dorm. The sudden feeling of dread washed over me.

As much as I love that Ajax cares for me. He has been going overboard. Always bringing me something to eat, making sure I have enough pillows or blankets, cuddling me or holding my hand, setting my clothes out for the next day, starting my shower for me.

I wouldn't mind it if he did it like, one day a year. But everyday for two weeks? It's wearing me out.

I open the door slowly, praying he wasn't in here, but to my unfortunate luck, he was sitting on his bed, waiting for me as he scrolled on his phone.

His head shot towards me as soon as he heard the door. "Grimm!" he smiles and gets up running towards me.

He reminded me of a child, but also a parent at the same time.

He pulled me in for a light hug, I sighed and reciprocated it.

"I want to talk to you" he says as he pulls away from the hug and looks directly into my eyes.

I was curious, confused, and scared about what he could possibly want to talk to me about.

We make our way to his bed, both of us sitting on the edge facing each other.

"Tyler has been sitting on our roof every night continuously since I caught him that one day. I see his eyes peering into the room through the window every night. He's always watching you, he barely spares a glance at me, but the one time he did, it was pure hatred in his eyes" Ajax muttered

Why wouldn't he tell me before? What does Tyler even want anymore?

"Why didn't you tell me sooner?" I asked him confused

"Because, I didn't want to give you more motivation to run after him. Because I knew you would. And I'm hoping for me, for Xavier, for us, that you won't." his eyes bore into my own as he pleaded, his hand grasped tightly onto mine.

As much as I wanted to go out there and find Tyler. I needed to stay with Ajax, because the last thing I wanted to do was run off and worry him.

"Alright, I won't. I promise" I smile slightly, bringing his hand to my lips, placing a light kiss on his knuckles.

Ajax seems weary but decides he doesn't have a reason to not trust me so he smiles happy I agreed so easily.

I continued to keep my eyes on Ajax's hands as I fidgeted with them. I studied his hands, the little marks most definitely made by papercuts. Ajax has always been clumsy and complains about papercuts on the daily. I always found it cute.

I smile to myself as I trace all the little marks.

"Hey Grimm?" Ajax speaks up

"Yeah?" I ask, looking back up at him

"Can I kiss you?" he asks awkwardly

The last time we kissed was actually the first time we kissed. We never had it in us to kiss after that, besides little ones on the cheek, or forehead, and now the hands.

I took a break from such intimate things after.. well. my mom. But I told Enid I'd open up more, and this would be a good way to start returning to my more open self.

"Yeah" a small smile played on my lips

Ajax's eyes looked like they were glowing at my response, he placed a hand on my cheek making sure to keep his one hand still in mine. He then leaned in slowly, almost as if he was scared, so I closed the gap for him.

The kiss was simple, sweet, and caring, and all the emotions we had trapped inside of ourselves, all the emotions I had trapped inside myself, were all put into the kiss.

And it was beautiful.

The kiss made me feel lighter, I felt little flutters in my stomach. I felt at ease for the first time in a while.

As we pulled away from the kiss, I dragged Ajax to lay with me, I just wanted to be held or to hold someone while I soaked in this feeling.

"Ajax?" I whispered

"yeah?" he whispered back

I questioned if I should really say the next words. But none of us are promised tomorrow so I said fuck it and looked right into Ajax's eyes, the next three words flowing out of my mouth as if I've said them a million times.

"I'm really hungry"

------Author Speaks

Is it bad I kinda want to continue my pennywise fanfic? I watched IT while writing this chapter, and now I have the sudden urge to continue the fanfic.

Who Is He? Xavier Thorpe x Male OC DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now