Wanna Grab Coffee?

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Edited: 12/22/2022

Within the past week of me being here at Nevermore, someone has died, I may have learned what I am, I'm pretty sure I've taken an interest in someone, and Wednesday has her seizure visions every five seconds. I don't think this is what my mom meant by starting fresh..


"Are you sure you're not obsessed with Xavier?" Ajax asks with a playful tone in his voice as we make our way back to our dorm.

"Dude, I'm sure. Why do you even ask?" I roll my eyes slightly annoyed at Ajax's curiosity

"Dude, you literally call him a Greek God, and remember when you slipped up and called him YOUR Greek God? You stare at the back of his head in Botany class every day. You joined art class which he is in, even though you suck at art, no offense. You stare at him whenever he comes to our dorm.." Ajax continues on with his list as I zone out.

Raphael's death a week ago looked similar to the deaths of others that Tyler had done. Is he back? Did he ever even make it out of Jericho? A part of me was excited at the thought of him possibly being back, but also horrified that he could kill people I know.

"And so that is why I think you're obsessed" Ajax finally said as we reach the door of our dorm snapping me out of my thoughts. He opens our door and there sits Xavier on my bed scrolling on his phone waiting for us. Did we have plans or something? Am I forgetting something?

"Ah there you are!" Xavier says smiling his classic smile, with his adorable dimples. Don't tell anyone I said that

"Who?" Both me an Ajax ask at the same time

"Both" Xavier chuckles at us

"What's up then?" I ask as I lean up against the wall by the door in case I need to run away.

"I was just curious if you guys would wanna grab coffee at Weathervane? I need a break from this school for a bit"

Ajax then gives me a suggestive look, that says he has something planned. "Ah I can't make it, I have plans with Enid, but Grimm here has all the time in the world. So feel free to snatch my roomie here whenever you please"

I glare at Ajax before glancing over at Xavier who had an eyebrow raised at Ajax as if he seemed suspicious before masking it and looking over at me. "Cool, so let's go then" Xavier said as he got off my bed and walked over to me or the door, I couldn't be sure.

"Actually.." I look around hoping to think of an excuse to use as a delay. Then I notice Xavier is just wearing jeans and a loose t-shirt. "Let me change out of this annoying uniform, wait outside by the gates for me?" I ask him hoping he'll just agree

"Yeah, sure" He smiles as he opens the door and leaves. Once I'm sure he's gone I lock the door and look over at Ajax.

"What are you planning? You and me both know Enid is too busy watching Wednesday every second of the day to make sure she doesn't have a vision and die while she falls from it" I said glaring at him

"I just think if you spend some time with the man of your dreams, you'll stop staring at him everyday, all day" He shrugs "Plus I'm gonna hang out with the stoners here soon anyways"

"Whatever, help me find something to wear"


I walk out to the gate, wearing black jeans, and a random t-shirt I stole from Ajax cause it looked cool. I spot Xavier leaning against the gate, and he notices me.

"Ready to go?" He questions.

"Yeah, I believe so" I nod

The idea of going back to Weathervane was setting me on edge, I haven't been back since I quit. Too many memories swarm around that place.

Who Is He? Xavier Thorpe x Male OC DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now