
419 21 1

Edited: 12/22/2022

I ended up scrolling on my phone until Ajax woke up, and the sun started to rise. Ajax glanced over at me, surprised at me being awake before him. But I just genuinely couldn't sleep after what had gone on only 3 hours ago.

"Surprised you're up this early, usually I need to play Hips Don't Lie by Shakira to wake you up" he said as he sat up rubbing his eyes lightly.

"Yeah, I woke up and couldn't fall back asleep so I've just been sitting here keeping myself entertained" I raise my phone up a bit gesturing to it

"You could've woke me up" Ajax suggested

"After the whole Enid thing yesterday, I knew you needed sleep. Plus I wouldn't have woken you up regardless" I chuckle

"Whatever you say" he rolls his eyes with a grin spread across his face. "What's on the agenda today?"

"Well, breakfast, then talking to Enid, then whatever you want to do after. I wouldn't mind heading back out into town, we can go to my house and pick up my guitar" I shrug. I want him to be able to relax and not think about Enid. I bet she had good intentions, but she executed this whole breakup thing horribly.

Ajax thinks for a second before smiling "Sounds good to me, but only if you play a song for me"

"Sure, I'll play you a song, now go get ready before we are late for breakfast. I think I'm dying" I look down at my stomach as it make a noise

"I don't think you're dying, but whatever you say Grimm" Ajax rolls his eyes as he gets out of bed and grabs some clothes to change into before heading to the bathroom.

"No, I'm definitely dying" I mumble to myself.


Ajax and I sat on the edge of the quad leaning against the wall eating our breakfast as we people watch. Bianca was sitting with the other sirens by the water fountain. The vampires who I have been contemplating talking to are sitting at their usual table, and Xavier is painting his raven mural as he usually is.

I stare at him for a moment before Ajax slaps me in the chest bringing me back to reality.

"You really are obsessed with him" Ajax states as he continues to eat his yogurt.

"I think you're delusional" I roll my eyes, glancing back over to where Xavier is, or was considering he isn't there anymore. How'd he manage to disappear so fast?

I turn and look over to two people who are standing not far from me, I turn my head but overhear their conversation, or at least parts of it. I only heard a few sentences and words, but it sounded like.. "nobody is talking about Raphael's death." "....murdered him" "people . forgetting after the hyde"

And now that I think about it, nobody is talking about his death. I guess I hadn't really been thinking about the murder since I've been caught up with other things.

"Can we go talk to Enid now? I kinda just want to get this over with so I can move on" Ajax sighs

"Yeah, let's go. She's not here so she could be in her room?" I question not knowing much about where she hangs out the most

Ajax says nothing as he gets up, me standing up right behind him and following him to her room.

I really hope she can clear some things up for him, this poor guy is gonna be miserable if not.

We make our way there, finally making our way to Ophelia something or another. All's I could think of is the song after he said it, so I zoned out whatever else he said.

"This is her dorm, could you, go in before me?" He asks, looking slightly nervous, which is understandable.

"Yeah, of course" I smile at him hoping to reassure him everything will be okay. I knock on the door and wait for a response.

The door is finally opened by.... a hand?

I jump up and scream "WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT? WHERE IS THE REST OF IT? HOLY SHIT" I then run and hide behind Ajax, placing my hands on his shoulders and peeking over one of them as I stare at the hand that is currently giving me the finger.

"Um Grimm? That's just thing" Ajax says calmly trying to pry my hands off of his shoulders but I stand my ground keeping my grip on him.

"Its name is thing???" I ask still staring at it as it just stands there?? Is it standing? I don't know

"Yes. Why are you hiding behind me? You're supposed to be manly and all that." Ajax chuckles

"I'll be manly when there isn't a hand with no body connected to it looking at me. Is it looking at me?!" I freak out. Ajax finally gets my hands off his shoulders and turns around placing his own hands on my shoulders. "Calm down! It's Wednesday Addam's family member type thing I think.. Okay? Calm down!" he whisper shouts at me as he stares me dead in the eyes.

And for some unknown reason, there was definitely tension between us in that moment, and anyone could see it. And it was broken the second I noticed 'Thing' on Ajax's shoulder. I just stared at it with wide eyes, and tried not to scream like I wanted to. Thing then waved at me, and I just waved back which confused Ajax until he realized the hand was on his shoulder.

He then let's go of me and looks at Thing, "Nevermind, I get why you're kinda scared of him."

"Him? It's a boy?" I question

"Yeah, according to Wednesday" Ajax shrugs as he takes Thing off of his shoulder and places him on the floor.

"Well other than the fact there is a creepy hand chilling around here, I don't think Wednesday or Enid is in their dorm or they would've said something by now." I point out

"I think you're right. The last place she'd be would probably be wherever Wednesday is. And Wednesday is everywhere but nowhere at the same time" he sighs "Can we just go to town and do this later?"

"Sure, whatever you're comfortable with." I smile at him then turn and look at Thing who makes his way back into the girl's dorm "Uh, bye Thing" I say before turning away from him and slinging an arm over Ajax shoulder as we head down the hallway.

"Thanks for trying to help me Grimm Reaper"

"Anything for you snake boy"

------------------Author Speaking

I know this one is kinda bad, but I'm trying. I've been busy the last few days with work, shopping, a work party, and all this other stuff. So I apologies for the singular chapters you've gotten for the last 2 days. I'll try to get 2-3 out tomorrow. And please ignore the fact I forgot to title this chapter. I've been binging The Walking Dead trying to get caught up before season 11 is on Netflix. 🫶🏻

Who Is He? Xavier Thorpe x Male OC DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now