Episode 7: Ozzie's

Start from the beginning

Blitzo looked at Scorpion and back at Millie and Moxxie. He knew that Scorpion was gonna try to intervene and not have his fun with the couple. His face lit up when he had an idea.

"Nah. It's alright. We'll all have a night to do whatever the fuck we want. You two deserve to have some free time." Blitzo said.

Both Millie and Moxxie gave their boss confused looks. Even Scorpion raised a brow at him.

"Are you serious?" Moxxie said.

"Yeah. Yeah. Go have your little fun. Plus, it'll probably be boring for me anyway. I'm gonna go get a little something. See you love-bugs tomorrow." Blitzo said as he whistled nine notes on his way out the door.

The three were actually very surprised by this.

"Wow. Did not see that coming." Moxxie said, "You gonna be ok, Hanzo? Sorry if you wanted to actually hang out tonight."

"It is no worry, Moxxie." Scorpion said, "The city always keeps me busy. You two enjoy yourselves tonight and stay safe. If you are in danger, give me a call."

Both Millie and Moxxie smiled at him. They began to see how much Scorpion truly did care for them. At first, Moxxie didn't really think that he would get along with them, but Scorpion has had their backs and became a vital member of the team. He, Moxxie and Millie have grown the closest to each other as Scorpion sees them as true warriors and amazing friends to have. They're still surprised at how much he's gotten close with Blitzo and Loona, even if they didn't hang out the most. Safe to say, Scorpion is quite the friend once you get to know him.

"Sounds like a plan. See ya tomorrow, Hanzo." Millie said as she turned to Moxxie, "Now....let's head home and...clean this blood off."

Millie made a purring feline noise as she seductively twirled her finger on Moxxie's chest and near his crotch. Moxxie blushed in arousal, a dreamy look on his face. Moxxie stood straight up on end, his tail pointed up. Millie did a seductive growl again and led her husband out of the room.

Both Scorpion and Loona were in silence for a moment.

"He's gonna spy on them. Isn't he?" Scorpion said.

"Yep." Loona responded, still looking at the magazine.

Scorpion let out a frustrated sigh and facepalmed himself. He's been around Blitzo long enough to know that despite his immature nature, he wasn't anywhere close to being dumb. He was surprised that Millie and Moxxie seemed to have fallen for his lie.

"Why can't he just leave those two along for just one night?" Scorpion said, "Guess I'm gonna have to follow him to make sure he doesn't do anything rash. Are you going to be alright tonight?"

"Heading to a party at Tex's place." Loona said, "I'll see you....whenever, I guess."

Scorpion gave her a nod before teleporting out of the room.

Moxxie and Millie soon made it to a golden high-domed building that was reminiscent of Grand Central Station. Six small apples with eyes in the center and wings were decorated behind four spotlights overhead. A large clock with four stretching metal wings read 7:35, a pink diamond gem in the center. On either side were archways decorated with a gem within an eye shape above it. The golden double doors opened from a giant elevator that towered over the imps and denizens below. Above was an elevator arrow dial pointing to different colored gems. Small gold horns curved upwards on the border.

"Elevator 666 departing for Lust...in five minutes." came a mechanical voice over a speaker, saying "five minutes" in a seductive tone. Denizens began to rush toward the large empty opening. A nearby screen labeled "Elevator #666: Schedule" displayed the departing times for the different Rings like a train or airplane itinerary. "Lust" in blue showed "Direct" and "Boarding" with a down arrow, indicating the direction. "Pride" in red showed "Direct" and an upward arrow. "Envy" was in purple, "Sloth" was in pink, "Gluttony" was in yellow, "Greed" was in green, and "Wrath" was in orange, with "On Time," labeled next to them. (The colors also matched the sky colors in each Ring).

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