Author's Note, y'all!

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Dear beloved reader,

If you just started Taste Of Heaven, i love you soo much. For more than i could imagine in my countless notebooks and jogged up memory of whatever i envisioned in the shower, this book has been my baby and I'm so happy that i finally get to share it with you guys.

Although this time, Taste of Heaven is being presented to you by a WE not a ME. Yes, Gracie and Eli came to life through two depressed teenagers who have been close friends since they lost their first tooth and are surprisingly biological sisters. We certainly had the blast of our lives creating a perfect story for the characters and i hope you get to love them as much as we do. Without you, this wouldn't have been possible. 💛

Although this came to us in a dream. like i had a dream that i watched this happening, like a movie. so obviously I had to make us write it. I felt like a prophet receiving visions from a horny god...

In other news, I am accepting all requests sent via the dream realm. thanks!😉



This book is only for those over the age of legal adulthood due to its sexual content. Lol, it might not be centered entirely on romance, but Gracie's gotta have a little boost for the trainwreck she's about to go through.😌 If you ask me, this book is rated 18+


Do not copy.

I mean it. It is so not original and very embarrassing. Save yourself from being disgraced.

And please, in the name of the moon,

Refrain from spreading negativity in the comments. It's getting really old and we seriously do not have enough sunshine to sack your dark clouds. Be a motherfreaking ball of sunshine here. I love you so be happy!

No need to announce your departure if you have a problem with the book. Everyone has different taste and options and that's completely fine. Suggestions and constructive criticism are very much accepted here( because I really love hearing you guys) unless you really don't have anything to say.

Drop your country's flag! I want to know where my readers are from!

Thank you soo much for reading again!!! And we'll see you at  chapter one!

your grandpa's cane,

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