Moving past him, she sunk her hand into his fur for a moment and then stomped toward the woman. Surprised into not moving, Ryker growled and nipped the edge of her shirt with expert precision. He pulled back, keeping her from going after the woman on the ground.

"Let go," Jo said, "Ryker!"

He pulled again, clamping down harder. The fabric began to tear. Jo didn't seem to care, still trying to move forward, so he changed tactics, releasing her shirt and darting in front of her. Now, he also effectively served as a barricade.

Jo grunted, trying to get up and push past him–they both knew she wouldn't use her fire on him. Not unless they'd already gotten to her and completely changed who she was as a person. Ryker had to believe that wasn't the case.

"They're the ones that brought you in," Jo snarled, flames dancing in her eyes. Her rage was kinda distractingly hot, especially as much as he missed her and now she was all up against him and...

Now was not the time!

Babe. Ryker pushed against her mind, and thankfully she was still letting him in. Guess she didn't see a need to keep him out anymore. Well, and of course, he'd actually been the one to close the connection the last time. Babe, if that's the case, this is my fight.

Her eyes focused on his.


Okay, that was also hot.

Damnit, focus. Diego was saying something into his earpiece about how they didn't need to send in reinforcements. Ryker had a feeling it'd be bad for the team if it came down to that, and he had to communicate that to Jo.

Jo, if this gets out of hand we're all in trouble. Not just those guys.

Jo continued to look at him, clearly fuming, but at least she seemed to be listening. And thinking now.

Jo...And he couldn't help himself, he pressed himself against her, rubbing his head against hers. And thankfully she responded automatically, her arms going around his body, holding him to her as she pressed her face into his fur.

Her voice came to him, accusing. You're manipulating me.

Ryker wasn't afraid to admit what they both knew to be true. Yeah, I am.

"Are we all calm now?" Diego was saying. "Does anyone need to go to the infirmary?" He placed himself between the two teams, taking turns to scowl at both groups. "Why don't we each go back to our barracks and cool down by writing up an incident report for the disciplinary committee." As protests started to rise, Diego rolled his eyes. "Boss' orders, you can't be surprised, brawling in the public hallways."

"Just keep that bi–"

"Alice, enough," Diego said sternly, effectively stopping her complaint as Jo growled into Ryker's ear at the same time. "Take your team and go." Diego turned away from them, clearly dismissing the other team. "All right you guys, let's go as well." Ryker eyed Diego, but Diego didn't say anything about returning to the cell. Was he now allowed to stay with the team?

He certainly wasn't going to ask.

Ryker moved, and Jo fully stood up, her hand on his shoulder. She flicked her eyes toward the other team, and Ryker pressed against her leg, keeping her from moving toward them if she felt so inclined. Her anger was still pouring into their bond, like ocean waves slamming against a rock wall. He knew she was riled up, but he didn't want her to start fighting again.

Diego marched the team down the hallway, talking quietly to the taller of the two guys he didn't recognize. The other one was trailing behind, dabbing at a bloody nose. Ryker would have eavesdropped, but Jo was flooding their bond with anger and relief and surprise.

Ryker bumped his head against Jo's side. What happened?

Nothing, Jo responded, glowering, Nothing important. Don't worry about it.

Why'd they attack you guys?

I attacked them, Jo said, her mental voice popping like a bonfire with frustration. Because they were saying stupid shit.

Jo. You can't do that.

And you can't tell me what to do.

"What's with the dog?" the shorter of the two new guys asked as they walked, gesturing to Ryker, who immediately growled.

"He's a wolf, not a dog," the taller one said.

"That's Ryker," Diego said, "The reason you got in a fight in the first place, apparently." The taller guy must've been filling him in on the details.

"They started it," the shorter one said, "And we would've finished it."

"Just walk," Diego said, sounding tensely exasperated. "And shut up."

Jo's hand rested on Ryker's back and then dug into his fur. Don't leave.

I'm not going anywhere.

Diego could just try to throw him back into that other room. Not happening. Now that he was with Jo, he wasn't leaving her side, not for anything.


A/N: Sorry for the sporadic posting lately, the holidays are keeping me busy, but promise it'll get better in the new year! Hope the longer chapter helped make up for it a little, and as always, thank you for your votes and comments, they mean a lot!

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