Cas 1

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You were close friends with the Winchesters, but they were keeping something from you. Of course, you spent your time trying to figure out what it was.

"Hey, Y/N, there's someone we want you to meet," Dean said one day as you were doing research for the hunt.

"He's a good friend, practically family," Sam said.

You get up and walk to the car behind the boys carrying the research you did. When you get there you see Bobby and a random guy in a trench coat.

"Hey Bobby," you said hugging him and kissing his cheek.

"How are you, Y/N?" He asked pulling away.

"Good, you?"


"Who's this?" You asked finally looking at the man.

You were freaking out on the inside, but on the outside you were calm and collected. He is so handsome, you thought.

"I'm Castiel, the angel who has been protecting the Winchesters and you," he said.

"An angel? Of The Lord?"


"Cool," you said excitedly.

"Really? They tried to kill me when they first met me," he said confused.

"I'm not them, I'm me."

"Yes, how are you doing with-"

"Cas, don't," Dean said. "She doesn't know."

"Know what?" you and Bobby asked.

"You're my soulmate," Castiel said.

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