Me for you

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Jimin was bored, yesterday he'd rested while Jungkook was at work, sleeping a lot and eating food Jungkook had prepared for him.
In the evening they watched comedy shows on tv then had an early night, Jungkook had been busy all day and was tired.
This morning Jimin had felt better even said he would go to work but had been firmly put in his place by Jungkook who reminded him what the doctor had said.
Frustrated Jimin had got up and dressed when Jungkook left, ignored having breakfast and wandered around the house aimlessly.
He'd then grinned to himself and got his phone playing the recording of Jungkooks music and doing the dance to it.
"Hah !Mr high and mighty Jeon, what you don't know can't hurt you!"
He did the routine a few more times feeling a bit sore afterwards but happy he could practice.
He suddenly heard his phone ring and answered it.
"It's me...."
"Oh er Kookie,hi,"
"So you been resting?"
"Yes....of course you know just lounging around."
"You ate breakfast?"
"Mmm, just cereal," he lied
"Your not lying to me are you?"
"What....,no ...."
"Hmmmm, we'll make sure you rest up."
"Yes I'll rest," Jimin said pulling a face at his phone ,
"bye Kookie,"
He cut the call then wandered to the kitchen, he ate the lunch Jungkook had prepared and cleaned the dishes.
Going to the sitting room he turned the radio on pleased when one of his favourite songs came on.
He hummed along then suddenly broke out singing ,his pitch perfect.
More songs played and he danced and sang to them but eventually he felt tired , so he lay on the sofa, the music turned down low letting him doze off .
Jungkook stopped watching his laptop,he was tapping his desk as he thought over what he had seen. Jimin was unaware there were strategically placed cameras around his home which he could connect with at any time, all complete with sound.
He'd watched annoyed when Jimin had practiced dancing, heard the words aimed at him making him poke his tongue in his cheek. That little devil he thought, which is why he had rung,seeing what the other would say .
Annoyingly Jimin had lied..., very easily,after the call he had seen Jimin eat then had been mesmerised by the others beautiful voice . He really did have the talent to become a star.
He had a lot of work but couldn't seem to keep his eyes off the cameras especially when Jimin finally rested on the sofa, falling asleep one arm above his head hitching his top up showing off his midriff, his face was turned to the side.
Jungkook stared at the male who had become important to him. He took a photo on his phone of Jimin laying there unconciously sexy , then turned away to carry on with his work.
Jimin had woken up and pottered around a bit more. He then put some laundry in and cleaned around. It was getting late normally Jungkook was back by now. His phone pinged and he rushed to it.
Sorry Jimin, I have to go out with clients, eat some food and don't wait up.
Jimin slumped into a chair, he'd felt excited at the thought of Jungkook coming home and realised how reliant he had become on the others company.
He went to the kitchen but nothing tempted him. He rang Jin.
"Hey Jimin how are you?"
"Jin are you free I thought we could go out for something to eat?"
"Oh sorry Jimin I'm working, your welcome to pop in we can eat here?"
"Ok I'll get a taxi over ,"
"See you soon,"
Jimin tidied himself up and got a taxi to Jins restaurant.
He went in through the back as the staff knew him.
"Hey Jimin over here."
He went over to Jin who had just walked through the double doors that led out to the restaurant.
"Hi Jin,when's your break?"
"In ten minutes,I'll bring some food up to the mezzanine floor,slip up the side steps."
Jimin did so, going up the steps and through a door only for staff,the room inside had tables and chairs and overlooked the restaurant. If someone from below looked up it would seem like mirrors but from the staff room side it was a window.
Jimin sat down looking at the people below, he suddenly saw Jungkook arrive with a woman Jimin recognised as a singer. Was this his business?
The woman smiled up at Jungkook kissing his cheek. He in return smiled at her, pulling a chair out for her then sitting next to her.
Jimin watched as they seemed to be really into each other, the woman's hand drifting to Jungkooks thigh.
Jin went to the table and was chatting to Jungkook, the woman flirted with both men neither seemed bothered by it.
Jin said something to Jungkook that had him frowning and suddenly look up.
Jimin felt the need to leave, he rushed downstairs slipping out and asking a staff member to tell Jin he had to go he'd forgotten something .
He went out into the street walking around feeling like his world had ended.
Stupid Jimin, you'll never be enough for him what have you got to offer ? Why assume he likes you just because you fuck, you got to big for your boots you forgot , people see you as a throw away item.
He just walked and walked, ignoring the buzzing on his phone, ignoring the noise from people around him, just trying to set his mind straight.
Eventually he caught a bus that went near Jungkooks, once he got off he walked the rest of the way surprised to find Jungkooks car in the drive, hadn't he said don't wait up? He looked at his watch and realised it was late 11.45. Shit he hadn't realised, he quietly opened the door.
"Where the fuck have you been?!?!"
Jimin jumped at the angry voice.
He turned seeing a dishevelled looking Jungkook, his hair looked like he'd run his hand through it, his shirt was slightly open and he was gripping his phone.
"Are you ok?" Jimin asked worriedly
"Me? I've been worried to death about you, I rang you over and over ,Jin said you left the restaurant but he didn't know why.I've even rang the bloody hospital!"
Jimin took his phone out of his pocket seeing the missed calls.
"I'm really sorry, I didn't mean to stay out late,I just sort of walked around thinking ....., I didn't think you would be looking for me as you said you had business to attend to...., she's very pretty."
Jungkook looked at the quiet boys face, he wasn't looking up so Jungkook strode over tipping his chin up,
"She? We're you spying Jimin?"
"No, the staff room windows look down onto the restaurant, I saw you come in, you looked....,happy."
"Did I ? Jin told me you were there and I told him to bring you to the table, he came back and said you'd gone."
"Yer,Erm , I told you I needed a walk."
"We're you jealous Jimin ?"
"What No Erm of course not..."
"So you couldn't come and say hello?"
"I said you looked...., well it's your business not mine,"
"Your right she is pretty and very good company "
"I-I suppose you have a lot in common it's natural you would enjoy being with her."
"Yes, I suppose so, did you mind seeing us together?"
Jimin but his lip but managed to say," it doesn't matter what I think, I'm just a dancer passing through, nobody important," he didn't realise how much his voice shook or how desolate he sounded.
"Erm I'll go to bed,excuse me,"
Jimin went quickly upstairs before he broke down, usually he could brush things off but this hurt him deeply and it was his own stupid fault.
He chose the spare room , he slid into bed naked as his clothes were in the other room. He sobbed quietly to himself trying to get it out of his system so that he could face the other tomorrow, eventually he wore himself out and fell asleep curled up in himself.
Jungkook hadn't  gone up yet, he was thinking of ways to tell Jimin how much he meant to him. He'd wanted to hug Jimin to him earlier, he'd been so worried about him then hearing him talk he'd known Jimin was jealous what he hadn't realised was that Jimin thought of himself so lowly.
He went upstairs, he needed to say it. Going to his room he found it empty, striding across the hall he opened the other door, from the moonlight shining in he could see a small figure huddled under the bedding , he went over ,he could make out Jimins sad face and puffy eyes....,he'd been crying!
"Jimin.." Jungkook whispered.
Jimin moved slightly.
"Babe wake up,"
Jimins eyelids fluttered," Kookie?" He said drowsily .
"Jimin, I love you ,"
"S'nice,I love you too Kookie,"Jimin mumbled.
"Jimin I'm declaring my love and you want to sleep?"
"I'm so sad. Kookie I wanna sleep,"
"Jimin don't be sad,wake up!"
He lifted the other up slightly shaking him seeing his nakedness when the cover dropped.
Jimin woke properly and stared up confused," Kookie did you say....,no of course you didn't ..."
"Park Jimin for the third time tonight I love you!"
Jimin gulped," y-you do? Me ... really ?"
"With all my heart, now come to our bed where you belong ."
He picked Jimin up carrying him easily to the other room tucking him in the bed and climbing in next to him, tugging him next to him and cuddling him.
"H-have you been drinking ?"
"One glass of wine,"
Jimin went silent, was this real was he hallucinating ?
"Your very quiet for someone who has just been declared to?"
"I er I , you sure, you know there's nothing great about me, people don't tend to hang around?"
"I will always be there now tell me again,"
"Tell you what?"
"Tell me again that you love me too"
"I said that out loud?"
"You did..."
"I ...I love you more than I thought it was possible to love anybody"
Jungkook hovered over him," your mine Jimin ,"
He swoooed down kissing the other passionately until he was gasping for breath.
"You made me jealous," Jimin sniffed
"And you lied to me,"
"What,when!" Jimin blustered
"Jimin just so you know there are cameras around this house I can access them anytime,"
"What did you say you were doing this Morning?"
Jimin opened his mouth then snapped it shut.
"Exactly ...., so do I punish you now......"
"Oh...(yawn) it's late,Erm so let's sleep!!"
Jungkook chuckled,"ok babe for now I'll let you off, now cuddle me!!"
Jimin did so smiling hugely,he tried to stay awake so he could enjoy the fuzzy feeling of love, but his emotional state had worn him out and he drifted off his head on Jungkooks muscular chest the steady heartbeat like a lullaby sending him off to dreamworld.
"Jimin? Aah,all my worrying and you fall asleep! Don't worry my baby, no one else will ever replace you, don't ever doubt what a wonderful person you are either, I believe you will go far in this world."
Holding him close he waited for sleep to claim him and allow him sweet dreams of his beloved Jimin.

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