Softly does it

911 70 6

"I don't need a doctor I'm fine , why did you bring me here!"
"Jimin you passed out and have a massive bruise,"
"Look let's just go...." Jimin swung his legs off the bed just as a doctor walked in.
"Ah,Mr Park...paying us another visit already?"
"Oh....,hi doc..., no my friend worries over nothing we were just leaving."
"No we weren't, Jimin passed out after someone punched him,"
"Oh dear ,let's take a look shall we..."
A disgruntled Jimin lifted his shirt wincing when the doctor pressed around the area.
"Hmmm, your lucky there is no internal damage, it will be sore for a couple of days so don't do anything too strenuous...., oh have you been taking iron supplements?"
"After you left last time your blood results showed you were a bit anaemic we sent you a letter advising you on what dosage to get and take for a couple of weeks."
"No I didn't get the letter I ...had to move when my place got damaged."
"Hmmm,we'll I suppose I could do a blood test now but I think it will say the same your still pale."
"No..! I mean , no need for a test, if you can write down what I need to take that's fine."
"Wimp.." Jungkook whispered in his ear.
Jimin glared at him,"can I go now doc? Oh and it's ok to dance isn't it?"
"Two days off..."
"He will do as you say thank you doctor," Jungkook said taking the prescription from the doctor.
Jimin stood up holding his side then seeing Jungkook watching him put his hand down.
"Bye doc, don't take this wrong but hope not to see you soon!"
Jimin walked out and made for the exit, he was lifted from behind and carried even though he demanded to be put down.
"I'm not a baby!" He yelled
"Well stop acting like one,"
Jimin sulked in the car his face turned to the window, rain started and the sound on the windows lulled Jimin asleep. Jungkook stopped to pick up the iron supplement and before getting in the car he phoned Namjoon.
"Hey Jungkook how's Jimin? Hobi told me what happened."
"Tender not allowed to dance for a couple of days..., that shit Taemin, I don't know why he was there but I want it known he is blacklisted by me."
"Actually I looked into it, he was trying to talk that twin duo's manager into performing with them, they had a practice there today as well,he sent him away with his tail between his legs, that's probably why when he saw Jimin that he started on him."
"I'll fucking kill him if he comes near again, just put the word out will you...,"
"Sure thing Kook..., oh can I ask...., you seem more involved than usual...., is Jimin going to be around longer than others?"
"Hmmm, we'll let's just say he doesn't know it yet but he's mine and I keep what's mine..."
He hung up to Namjoons chuckle.
Getting in the car again he glanced over at the sleeping male, his face had a frown on it and he was pouting, his lips begging to be kissed. Jungkook neared then stopped as Jimin mumbled," let me stick you with a needle then bossy!"
He imagined he must be the one Jimin was arguing with in his sleep and he sat back chuckling and then driving off.
Jimin woke up as they arrived back yawning and stretching, regretting it straight away as his side felt jarred.
He got out the car slowly getting himself wet, he put his hand up when Jungkook went to lift him and walked to the door at his own speed.
"Right I'll run you a bath..., you're soaked, come up at your own speed...." He looked at Jimin as if wanting to carry him then made his way upstairs. Jimin felt a bit stupid after his earlier moaning and went upstairs slowly .
He went into the bathroom where his bath had been run, lots of sweet smelling bubbles.
"This okay?" Jungkook asked
Jimin nodded so Jungkook went to leave.
"Erm, do you mind helping me undress?"
Jungkook calmly stepped forward to help carefully helping Jimin til he stood there naked.
"Er...,you got wet too...., will you bathe with me?"
Jungkook hesitated then stripped off.
"You get in first I'll sit behind you,"
He helped Jimin in holding his hand as he went to sit down and swore .
"Fuck! That hurts..."
Jungkook climbed in behind him.
"Lean back in me,"
Jimin did so sighing as he got comfortable.
Jungkook put one arm around him on the side he wasn't bruised.
"Sorry," Jimin murmured
"For what?"
"Earlier being a brat,"
"Oh that's ok, I'll save your punishment up til later when your not so sore."
"What,you think you'll get away with it?"
"I'm an invalid you should be nice to me,"
"Oh yeah?like this ?" He put his hand up pinching Jimins nipples.
"Oh like this you mean," Jungkooks hand disappeared into the water to caress Jimins member arousingly.
"Not fair! I can't do much in this state!"
Jungkook laughed but removed his hand.
"Remember no dancing for Two days , I have to go in tomorrow as they have to practice the routine with me...., I wonder if I should get someone to do the solo ," he pondered .
"Don't you dare! That's my spot !!"
"I don't want you over straining ,"
"It's my spot!!! I will be fine it's five days away, I know it will be ok."
"Only if you rest up."
Jungkook helped Jimin wash then washed himself getting out to dry then quickly turning to see Jimin make grabby hands.
Wrapping a towel around the other he lifted him out and carried him to the bed laying him down then sprawling down next to him..
"We should get dressed..."
"Because it's early still ,"
"But you are so pretty to look at..."
"Girls are pretty..,you should say I'm handsome not pretty!"
"But you are pretty and cute and bite size ..."
"Bite size!! Are you calling me short!"
"No I'm saying your.....edible ," jungkook leaned down claiming the fiesty males lips in a passionate kiss. He swirled his tongue inside enjoying the others moan.
He pulled back eyeing the others aroused state then looking down at himself.
"Maybe this wasn't such a good idea..."
"Oh fuck Kookie you can't leave me like this ..."
"Turn on  your good side ," Jungkook demanded.
Jimin did so and Jungkook spooned him from behind his own arousal poking at him.
He began to kiss Jimins neck while his hands softly caressed his nipples rubbing himself against Jimins ass.
"Mmm,more Kookie..."
"Bend your leg.."
Jimin did so feeling Jungkook rub the wet tip of his arousal against that puckered hole.
"Just fuck me already," Jimin whined
Spreading his ass Jungkook pushed in hearing the gasp as he hit his target ,he rocked back and forth hitting on the bundle of nerves that gave Jimin so much pleasure.
"Ah Kookie right there ..."
Jungkook reached around as he thrust pumping Jimin who was already sticky from pre cum. He sucked on Jimins shoulder leaving a mark. Jimins erotic moans increased his own pleasure.
"Cum with me baby," he whispered in Jimins ear, frantically pumping him soon his thrusts made him go rigid then explode inside the other as Jimin came on his hand.
He sank against Jimin feeling drained.
For five minutes they stayed like that then Jimin spoke ," Kookie,are you asleep ?"he whispered
"No babe, you ok?"
"Erm a bit uncomfortable my side aches,"
"Oh god sorry Jimin my weight on you doesn't help,"
He moved off , "I'll just wash off then come clean you."
He went in the bathroom and washed up as he came out Jimiin made to move but he stopped him.
"Lay there let me clean you up,"
"But it's embarrassing......"
"Jimin don't be silly, I've kissed every nook and cranny in you let me help."
He gently washed Jimin off and then dried him.
"Right, boxers and T shirt for you sweats and tee for me."
He got boxers out for Jimin and one of his own T shirts dressing him in it.
"Why do I only get this and your dressed,?"
"Because .."
He bent down and gently lifted Jimin up carrying him downstairs and placing him on the sofa.
He went to the kitchen and got a glass of water , going back to Jimin he handed him the water and gave him two tablets.
"Here, one iron tablet and one painkiller ."
Jimin swallowed them grimacing .
"Right I'm going to make our food and we will have things that have iron in naturally we need to build you up."
"I'm sorry Kookie,I've been such a nuisance to you since you met me," he looked quite sad at the thought.
"Jimin your not a nuisance, your the brightest thing to come into my life for a long time."
"Really?" Jimin beamed his beautiful smile happy at his words.
"Yes really.." jungkook smiled back , softly does it Jungkook he told himself, don't scare him off, you gotta build up to the big stuff.
"Your the only person to make me truly happy," Jimin replied innocently , earning a searing kiss from the other before he went to cook their food .
I hope one day you let me tell you how much I really care,Jimin thought to himself, knowing though that when that time came, it would make or break them.

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