Down to business

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Later that evening Jimin woke to find himself alone on the sofa .
Wrapping the throw around his naked body he quietly walked to go up the stairs stopping when he heard Jungkooks voice from the study.
"Namjoon let the idiots say what they want I'm not low towing to other people's beliefs !
No Jimin is not going to be hidden away, you know how much I hate people telling me what to do.
I like having Jimin here.
No I haven't told him about you and Jin.
So you would stop seeing him if someone told you to? Exactly so just ignore the trashy media.p
Serious,no we are just...., you know enjoying being with each other,of course I won't just chuck him out I like him.
You know I don't do serious...,ok then I'll see you tomorrow "
Jimin hastily shot up the stairs dropping the throw and running into the shower locking the door.
He turned the water in full blast the sound hiding his crying.
You idiot Jimin, you've fallen for him, how stupid can you get and boy did it hurt hearing him say it wasn't serious. What did you expect that someone who spends any time with you just fucking would declare undying love for you ?
He heard the door rattle.
"Jimin? Why's the door locked ?"
"Oh is it? Sorry habit be out in a minute!"
Jimin hurriedly washed wrapping a bath towel around him and looking in the mirror Damn his eyes were a bit red.
He opened the door going into the bedroom.
Jungkook was looking at his phone his hair was damp and he was dressed.
"Hey, I didn't know you were awake...., have you been crying, your eyes are red?"
"What? Are they ?must be the soap you made me jump when you rattled the door and soap got in my eyes," Jimin lied.
"Oh,what do yo fancy to eat?"
"I hadn't really thought about it,"
"Well should I cook or shall we go out,"
"Yes you know..., go out to eat away from the house."
"Both of us?"
"Duh..., of course,"
"Oh I didn't think you'd want to be seen out with me."
"Why the hell not?"
"I..., look I don't know what' we' are,am I the lodger , the friend with benefits, your employee, I just don't know what I should and shouldn't do,"
Jungkook could see Jimin was truly confused.
"What do you want us to be?"
"Oh no don't turn it back on me, can't you see , the only time we are together it's about sex. It's not like we are a couple who go out and do things together, we live in the same place ,we eat we fuck we sleep we work . As a lodger should I be doing my own meals? Making my own way to work? I tried moving out but it didn't suit you so what do you want from this?"
"I...,I like you, I like being with you..., ok we can define it, you can use the spare room but it doesn't mean I don't want you, you are very desirable..., we can do boundaries,but I don't share that's a definite no, if you decide you don't want that ,then will be the only time we part.for now Park Jimin do you want to come on a date with me to a restaurant?"
Jimin grinned ," sure,"
He hurriedly dressed and they left and went to Jins restaurant.
They chose their food and had a soft drink each. Jin had been told they were there and came out to chat.
"Hi guys how's it going?"jin said hugging Jimin.
"Hey Jin, my new job is good ."
"Must be, your living with your boss and you come out for meals together?"
"Mmmhmm, we are just friends," Jimin said
"Very good friends," Jungkook said not liking that Jin was still hugging the other.
Jin saw the jealous look but smiled.
"Namjoon came here yesterday, he seems a nice man, we had quite a chat."
"Jin are you blushing?"
"Have you got a crush on him?"
"Park Jimin..., I-I'll flatten you if you dare tell him,"
"Hee hee Jin has a crush...!"
"You little pipsqueak!!just eat your dinner!"Jin stomped off.
Jimin laughed," this is great, he's so easy to tease!"
"You too seem very...,close?"
"Jin helped me when I needed it, he's more like a mother than my real.....,than she is."
Jimin stared down at the table feeling sad again.
Jungkook held his hand that lay on the table,
"Hey this is a date, cheer up."
Jimin forced his mind to stop thinking bad things and the meal progressed.
Jungkook asked how the dance was going for his new song.
"Hobi has us all learning it, I love the song by the way,"
"You do..., you didn't tell me you could sing by the way,"
"Sing? Er as much as another person I suppose."
"You have perfect pitch,"
"It's ok I s'pose,"
"You sell yourself short and contrary to what you told Yoongi  you will be mentioned in the credits."
"Honestly there's no need it took no time at all."
"It's done..., now do you want desert?"
Jimin nodded ordering cheesecake . The pair finished and after Jungkook paid the bill they left.
Arriving home, they watched some tv then Jimin got up.
"I'm er going to use the spare room....."
"You sure?"
"It's best I think, we have just been full on since we met, maybe it's for the best."
"I can't see how but ok, goodnight ,"
"Night," Jimin went to the spare room,not that he really wanted to but he felt he needed to allow Jungkook space in his own home.
He showered then climbed into bed. He spent the next half hour fidgeting then he heard Jungkook come up to his room and close the door.
He sighed, what had seemed like a good idea now seemed stupid and unnecessary.An hour passed and he still couldn't sleep,frustrated he got up quietly opening the door and going downstairs for some water. He drank it quickly then shivered as he was naked. He crept upstairs in the dark and walked sighing into his own dark room slipping into bed and screaming in shock as a strong arm pulled him close.
"Hush it's me, I can't sleep I want you next to me,"
"You nearly gave me a heart attack!!"
"Just come here,"
He pulled Jimin close to his own body and Jimin curled around him.
"I couldn't sleep either," he said honestly.
"So can we agree we prefer to share a room?"a
"I sense a but....."
"Well we should try not to have sex all the time, I like cuddling too..."
"I can do cuddles,"
"Ok then."
They both cuddled and within minutes were sound asleep.
Jimins phone alarm went off making him lift blurry eyes to silence it.Reaching across the others still comatose warm body he sprawled over he picked his phone up and silenced it.
Creeping out of bed he washed and dressed quickly going downstairs he made Jungkooks breakfast then heard the alarm go off in Jungkooks room.
He left a note saying 'eat well 'and disappeared out the front door catching a bus to work.
Jungkook stretched and got out of Jimins bed to go switch the alarm off in his room. He called out Jimins name but there was silence.Washing and dressing he went downstairs calling Jimin again.
He saw the food Jimin had put out for him and the note.
He sighed, Jimin really was trying his patience.He knew he didn't mean to but his independence was grating on him. He wanted to take care of the other, he liked doing it, he found this new feeling growing stronger each day. They both worked in the same place what was wrong with travelling in together?
Last night he'd tried hard but just couldn't sleep without Jimin next to him, as soon as he'd cuddled with him he'd felt at ease.
Obviously having that delicious body next to him had turned him on but he wanted to prove it wasn't just about sex, so he'd cuddled him and eventually drifted off.
Cleaning up his dishes he went into work, trying on the way to figure out these new feelings that came over him when he thought of Jimin.

My little devilNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ