All work and no play

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Jungkook had not seen Jimin all day, this for some reason made him fidgety.
He went to see Yoongi about the songs for his album.
"Are you putting the finishing touches to it?"
"Yes you've done the hard work, I need some vocals to mix with yours in the chorus ."
The door opened and Tae strolled in," hi babe , hi Kook, you know I'd forgotten how hard working Jimin is, he's staying on to practice some more, what you up to?"
"I'm finishing off Kooks tracks I've just gotta find the right sound in vocals ."
"I can do it?"
"No babe, your voice is good but I need something different."
"Oh you should try Jimin then."
"Jimin?" Jungkook and Yoongi asked.
"Oh yer he's very good."
"Tae go and get him don't tell him I'm here I'll stay out of sight he might get embaressed," Jungkook said.
"Sure wait here,"
Tae left returning ten minutes later with a sweaty Jimin.
"Hi Yoongi sorry I'm a mess Tae dragged me here."
Yoongi explained what he needed.
"Well Tae's a good singer,"
"My voice isn't the right tone,"
Jimin frowned," ok what have I got to sing?"
Yoongi handed him the sheet music and played the part he wanted Jimin to sing along with Jungkook.
"Wow he's really good isn't he!" Jimin said in awe unaware that Jungkook was listening behind a screen.
"So do you think you can do it?"
"Play it once more so I know where to come in,"
After listening once more he went into the recording room put in the headphones and gave a thumbs up. Yoongi played the song and Jimin came in where he was supposed to, his beautiful voice making Tae smile and Yoongi gape in awe, behind the screen Jungkook was amazed at the melodious voice.
Jimin came out and looked at Yoongi who still looked stunned.
"It was awful right? Sorry Yoongi," Jimin mumbled.
"Are you fucking kidding me! You've done it in one take and it's perfect, your name will be credited on the album."
"Oh no need for that, I don't need to be mentioned , so can I go now?"
"Huh...,oh er yer."
"Bye Tae and you Yoongi I need to practice more,"
He left the room and Jungkook stepped out.
"Did you hear that?"
"Yes he's very good, why didn't he pursue a singing career?"
"He just concentrated on dancing ,singing was a hobby."
"I'll leave you two, see you tomorrow "Jungkook said
He walked out looking at the time it was getting late, had Jimin been dancing all this time?
He walked towards the dance studio, Hobi was just coming out carrying a bag.
"Hey Kook, that Jimin he's non stop, I tried to convince him to call it a day but he's intent on getting the moves right, he didn't even stop for lunch just drank water."
Jungkook nodded and let Hobi go. He walked to the door looking through. Jimin was shaking his arms and legs out then doing a small dance routine, but was obviously not satisfied with it. He did it again and again, then sat down drinking water before getting up and searching for some music which Jungkook recognised as one of his older songs.
Jimin stood for a few minutes then danced to it his movements mesmerising, it was a modern dance routine he must have done before as the flow was perfect, as the music ended he dropped to the floor weakly, Jungkook stepped in clapping making Jimin turn his head.
"Oh I thought you had gone,"
"Not without you remember we live at the same place."
"Oh I can't I really have to practice your dancers are so good, I'll come back later."
"No you'll come now,"
"I know your my boss but stop being bossy!" Jimin grumbled.
"You also know your contract states you have to eat properly ?"
Jimin blushed guiltily.
"Oh er yer I ate with Hobi ." He lied.
"That's funny," Jungkook said stepping closer ,"he was the one who said you hadn't eaten...."
"Damn it !" Jimin said knowing he'd been caught out. He stood up swaying a little bit, Jungkook held his arm.
"See you need to eat to stay strong,"
"Ok , ok I give in but I have to shower I stink,"
"Ten minutes max or I come in and get you."
Jimin gasped running to the showers taking his bag with him, he'd stripped off his sweaty dance wear and showered quickly only just finishing dressing as Jungkook walked in.
"Oh that's a shame," jungkook said eyeing his clothed figure .
"Pervert!" Jimin sassily called back walking past the other only to be spun round and kissed firmly on the lips .
"Your lips are made for kissing," Jungkook stated.
"And eating..., come on!"
Jungkook chuckled then took Jimin to his car they drive off, Jungkook heading to a favourite restaurant of his.
" I hope you like meat, they cook it so well here...."
No answer came and Jungkook glanced over only to find Jimin sound asleep.
"You silly boy why do you work yourself so hard," he muttered to himself .
The restaurant was half an hour away and he parked in front of it. Turning the engine off he turned in his seat admiring the small males features. After another ten minutes Jimin stirred his eyes blinking open.
"Oh gosh sorry did I fall asleep?"
"Hmmm, no more working so hard, now come on let's go eat.all work and no play ....."
They walked into the restaurant the manager immediately showing Jungkook to a seat.Jimin could see the curious stares coming their way and he tried to hide behind Jungkook.
"What's wrong?"
"Nothing,I just I don't want people to judge you for hanging out with the likes of me." Jimin muttered .
Jungkook was annoyed with the way Jimin put himself down so he deliberately put his arm through Jimins pulling him along.
"Kookie what if someone takes a picture?" Jimin hissed.
"Jimin are you embarrassed that your gay?"
"No, but this is Korea it doesn't go down well you might get hate from fans,"
"I don't care what others think about my sexuality, we should stop living in the dark ages and embrace how we are."
They arrived at their table and Jungkook ordered for them.
When the food came Jimins mouth watered it looked so delicious . He got stuck in closing his eyes and giving a moan of enjoyment." This is sooo good!"
Jungkook enjoyed the look on Jimins face and the sounds he made.
"Hello Jungkook," a female voice said from behind Jimin.
Jungkook stood up giving the woman a kiss on the cheek," Rosa it's been a while how are you?"
"I'm well, I was just leaving and saw you here so I thought I'd say hello."
"Oh that's a shame it would have been nice to catch up,"
"Well I could stay for a while if it's ok with...."
"Jimin, don't mind me I'm just a dancer and I've had my fill , please stay I'm sure Mr Jeon wants you to."
He stood up bowing and went to leave.
"Jimin what..."
"I forgot I'm supposed to see Jin, so if you will excuse me," he lied, dashing out before Jungkook had a chance to do anything.
Once outside he cursed," I just stopped to say hello ," he mimicked ," yer right you look like you wanted to eat him up!"
He stomped off then realised he'd have to get a taxi back. He didn't know why he was so irritated but his mood stayed sour all the way back. Using the spare key Jungkook had given him he went inside.
Pacing back and forth he went into the kitchen and opened the fridge seeing some beers there, he took one out opening it and gulping it down, he forgot that the few mouthfuls of food he'd had earlier meant that the beer started having an immediate effect on him.
He giggled," ooh Mr Jeon let me sit in your lap, oh I was just passing and thought I'd show you what your missing! Huh! Bimbo, you don't know what he's been up to with me!"
He took another beer out and it quickly followed the first.
He put some music on and spun around the kitchen a few times giggling as the beers made him feel woozy.
He didn't hear the door open or see the figure that watched his sexy dancing as he sang along to the song.
It was only as he reached to get another beer that someone's hand clamped onto his stopping him.
"Holy shit you scared the fuck out of me!!" Jimin said squinting
"Enjoying yourself?"
Jimin looked behind Jungkook," where is she?"
"Who...? Oh Rosa... home I expect,"
"Oops you lucked out there she was all over you!"
"She's just an old.....friend,"
"Old girlfriend,"
"Well yer but not for a long time,"
"Hah I knew it....!
"Are you jealous"
"As if....."
"So why leave and come back and drink yourself silly?"
"I'm celebrating my first day in my new job(hic) oops!"
"And you couldn't have done that at the restaurant?"
"Nope ,"
"Because I  don't drink in public silly!"
"Jimin that doesn't make sense?"
"See that's why I don't drink in public, Jin says I talk rubbish, I might have told your girlfriend she looked like a bimbo then (hic)what would have happened?"
Jungkook could see that Jimin thought he was making perfect sense and he supposed in a way he was.
"So you have a low tolerance for alcohol and that's why you left,"
"Of I didn't (hic) like her,whoooo, stop moving."
Jungkook realised Jimin truly was a lightweight, he also realised maybe Jimin was a teensy bit jealous although he obviously wouldn't admit it.
"Do you feel ok? Do you want some water?"
"Stop talking I wanna go to sleep," Jimins head thumped on the table making Jungkook wince,he went over to the small male and unbelievably heard small little snores.
"Park Jimin you never cease to amaze me."
He tidied up then easily picked the small male up his head lolling against his chest,"bimbo...," Jimin muttered in his sleep making Jungkook smile.
He undressed him getting a damp cloth and towel to freshen him up,Jimin stayed asleep only moving towards Jungkook when the other climbed into bed.
Jungkook kissed the top of his head.
"Don't worry Jimin, she won't replace you."

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