Sweet sensations

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Jimin realised his wallet was in his rucksack so he couldn't get a bus or taxi back. He walked back and typically with his luck it started raining. His mind was in turmoil, what were the odds he thought, his ex lover being the one Jungkook wanted to collaborate with.
He brushed his damp hair away clearing his vision as he walked on his clothes getting soaked but he didn't care, he had been so close to getting back into a higher level of dancing, that would all be gone now Taemin had spoken. He jumped as lightening flashed and thunder boomed out. He hated storms, his dad had died in one.
Hurrying as quickly as he could he tiredly got home kicking off his wet shoes and shakily putting water on to heat for a drink before remembering he had milk but no tea or coffee.
The thunder clapped again causing him to shudder and sink down in a corner putting a towel over his head ready to dry himself off but being overcome with a loud buzzing as everything wavered and he blacked out.
Taemin just didn't shut up as he walked with Jungkook to his office he talked about how some people didn't respect others, how irritating it could be that people thought they could use others to their advantage, blah, blah, blah.
Getting inside his office Jungkook closed the door and let rip.
"You are the most conceited person I have ever met!"
"What! now hold on a minute"
" you listen to me! Who said you could treat someone like you did Jimin? He's a human being not a toy!"
"Oh come on! He's just a dancer nothing more, so I had some fun with him..., it was nothing..., it passed the nights away and he was available...."
"You are despicable, you hide behind this facade of nicety but your a user...., tell me , why now?"
"Why now, I asked you before to collaborate on a song and you ignored it, so what changed?"
"Er..., nothing, I thought it was just time ok?"
"Your lying....,I can tell,"
"No! I mean..., look as a fellow entertainer you know how it can be, you do one little thing and someone takes it the wrong way and well, your reputation takes a hit and your management remove themselves......"
"And you thought joining me would help you?"
"I need this Jungkook! Some silly young fan got pregnant, how was I to know she was underage she was willing."
"Get out, you disgust me..."
"No you can't let me go through this! Your agency could fix this I'm sure."
"This is what I mean, your so conceited you blame others for your mistakes, you alone did this maybe you'll learn through your mistakes but I doubt it, now goodbye!"
He opened the door and the other had no option but to leave.
Jungkook flung himself in his chair, that conceited prick no wonder Jimin was affected by his attitude it must have been demoralising..., shut! Jimin! He suddenly noticed the heavy rain and thunder had he got home ok?Damn his rucksack was here. He strode of to the practice room to find Hobi on his own.
"Oh Jungkook, is Jimin ok? His jacket and bag is here."
"Er yer, I'm dropping them off ,"
Hobi nodded getting on with a routine he was practicing . Jungkook picked Jimins stuff up only to have a wallet tumble from his pocket, he picked it up seeing an address and ID inside and very little money, how had he got home?
He went down to his car putting the address into his sat nav, by car it was twenty minutes but if he'd walked and in this weather...., he cursed and quickly drove off.
He found Jimins small apartment and knocked on the door but got no response, on the off chance he tried the doorknob and it opened.
He walked into what seemed like a studio apartment dropping the rucksack by the door,he saw one room with a kitchen a tv and chair a bed, his eyes caught sight of the small figure on the floor and he rushed over hearing a groan.
"Jesus Jimin your soaked!" He said lifting him up.
Jungkook looked around seeing a door he guessed
Was the bathroom carried him there. He turned the shower on and without saying anything stripped the wet clothes from Jimin who gave a feeble shake of his head before giving in. He was gently pushed into the shower where the warm water thawed him out.
Jungkook meanwhile went out to get more clothes, opening cupboards he was surprised, Jimin had plenty of dance leggings and tops but little in the way of casual day clothes, grabbing some sweatpants boxers and sweatshirt he went back to the bathroom, jimin had his back to him his face turned up to the water, he couldn't help but admire the view, then placing the clothes nearby he left the room.
He thought he'd make Jimin a hot drink so heated the water then searched through cupboards, the more he looked the more annoyed he got, emptiness was all he saw, opening the fridge he saw milk. Just what did he live on?
Jimin shuffled out the bathroom, looking embarrassed.
"How come your here?"
"You left your bag,"
"Ooh right, uhm, thanks,"
"You blacked out again didn't you?"
"I just, I was cold and wet that's all,"
"Ok then, I'll make us both a hot drink shall I ?"
He pretended to get up,
"No! Er I mean, you must be busy I'm sure you don't want to hang around here it was nice of you to bring my bag but don't worry I won't bother you again, I'm sure Taemin set you straight,"
"You will work for me and you will start eating properly too as for that scum, you won't be bothered by him."
Jimin gaped," what!"
"You heard me,"
"But why would you do that? You don't know me?"
Jungkook stepped close," but I want to,"
He placed his lips on Jimins, nipping his bottom lip so he'd open his mouth and when he did so plunged his tongue in exploring the sweetness inside. As the kiss got deeper the sounds of thunder and lightening faded, Jimins moans made Jungkook want more and he pressed Jimin back against the wall grinding against him,jimins heart speeded up, he felt an overwhelming need to merge himself in the other.
A particularly loud bang came along with a bright flash , Jimins lights went out and the pair pulled apart.
"Where's your fuse box?"
"In the kitchen"
Jungkook walked in there using his phone light to see what he could do. Jimin huddled in the corner on his bed, he wasn't fond of the dark.
A sudden crackle turned his head, the socket by the bed flashed as lights came back on sending sparks out, Jimin froze as flames appeared shooting onto the bedding catching it alight.
Jungkook turned from where he was, suddenly yelling at Jimin to move, but he sat as if mesmerised by the nearing flames.
Another crackle had other sockets sparking , jungkook ran lifted Jimin up and ran towards the front door  grabbing his rucksack as a large whoosh sounded ,flames appearing through the walls, he ran outside into the rain as neighbours came out pointing and shouting, soon a fire engine arrived and Quickly extinguished the flames.
Jimin sat in Jungkooks car staring miserably at the burnt out apartment.
An old man came rushing through the crowd trying to get to the apartment.
"Jimin! Jimin wheres Jimin!"
Jimin roused himself stepping out into the rain.
"Mr Kim, I'm here,"
"Oh goodness Jimin I thought something bad had happened to you"
"I'm ok but I'm sorry about your apartment, I honestly couldn't do anything."
"Jimin it's just bricks and mortar, that can be rebuilt, you can't , the lightening could have shorted it out, I'm insured but your things.....?"
"It's ok Mr Kim, I can get more."
"Where will you go, I don't have any other empty places or I would let you stay there."
"Mr Kim? Jimin will stay with me, here are my contact details if you need to get in touch. We will go now Jimin is soaked again."
The man nodded patting Jimins hand then going to sort things out. Jimin got back into the car, his home was gone it was back to square one. He looked up after a while not recognising the road they were on," oh sorry I forgot to say I'm sure Jin will put me up,"
"Your staying with me,"
Jimin didn't bother arguing just sat slumped in the car then suddenly sneezing. A few seconds later he was giggling Jungkook looked over frowning as Jimin laughed slightly more hysterically.
"I'm homeless and clothes less, at least when my mother chucked me out I had clothes, now....." his giggles turned to sobs and Jungkook put his foot down to get home quicker. He drove through large gates that suddenly opened and parked up in front of his home, going round to help Jimin out he walked him inside his home, he hugged the crying boy to him, Jimin lay his head on the others muscled chest then he moved his head up nuzzling the others neck.
"Jimin what.....!"
"Make me forget Kookie, make me feel better,"
"Jimin ..., I don't want to take advantage..."
"You aren't , I want this, no ties no promises just us."
Jungkook stared down at the other his eyes full of lust, he picked Jimin up and carried him to a room kissing him along the way, Jimin felt heat race through him and he wanted more of these sweet sensations, his heart leaping as he saw the pure need in the others eyes as he stood him up and slowly undressed him.

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