She headed out the front door, and locked it behind her with her necklace key, then she made her way to the garage to grab her bike. She hopped on the cycle and started on her journey to the middle school. After about a five minute bike ride to get there, she rolled up to the bike rack and placed her bike with the other lined up bikes.

She joined the groups of kids walking to the school doors, and she entered the busy hallways and made a beeline for her locker. Once she got there she turned her lock putting in the combo and pulled off her bag, then unzipped it and pulled out the books, folders, and miscellaneous items that she wouldn't need for her first few hours.

She zipped her bag up and pulled the strap over her shoulder, and she closed the locker shut. Just as she goes to head to her class, she looks across the hall and catches Will standing at his locker. He's the first one of the boys that she's seen this morning, so naturally, she walks over to go and say hi to him.

"Morning, Will." She greets him cheerfully.

He turns to her, "Oh, hey, Vi." He replied, sounding less than thrilled.

Violet frowned in concern, "Uhm, are you okay?"

He nods, but he doesn't look certain. "Yeah. I'm fine." She hears a rustling of newspaper and in his hand she sees a small piece of newspaper. "I just found this is my locker."

She takes the paper from him, and her eyes narrow in annoyance at the sight. It was a news article on Will and his disappearance. The headline read, "The Boy Who Came Back To Life", and in green marker were the words, "ZOMBIE BOY." And in the photo of him someone had scratched out his eyes with x's.

With a grunt of annoyance she balled up the paper in her hands and tossed it into the nearby trashcan, then she walks back to Will and threw her arm around his shoulders.

"It's bullshit, okay? Nobody hear knows anything. Only we know the truth, and that's all that matters. You're not "Zombie Boy" to me, okay? You're Will Byers, Will the fucking Wise? All right? My best friend."

Her words bring a genuine smile to the boy's lips, and his hazel eyes light up with happiness. "Thanks, Violet. I feel alot better now."

"Good." She smiles at him, and the bell rings signaling that classes have begun. "Now, let's get to class before we're later than we already are."

Being Mr. Clarke's favorite students has it's perks, because when Violet and Will come in late, he doesn't mention their tardiness. He only tells them what page they're on in their books as they sit down, and he waits patiently as she and Will pull out their science books from their bags and catch up on the lesson with the rest of their peers.

"Meet the human brain." Mr. Clarke picks up where he left off in the lesson, placing down a human brain model. "I know. I know, it doesn't look like much. A little gross even, right? But consider this. There are a hundred billion cells inside of this miracle of evolution. All working as one. No, no, I did not mispeak. I did not stutter. A hundred billion."

Everyone's attention to Mr. Clarke was pulled away by the door of the class slowly closing, an unfamiliar girl walked into the classroom, with the principal trailing after her.

"Ah, this must be our new student." Mr. Clarke smiled as she went to walk past him, her head down to avoid drawing attention to herself.

Teenage Calamity ━━ MAYFIELDOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora