Chapter 1

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The stars were shining like diamonds in the sky and the city lights were lit for the very few stragglers in the streets of Magnolia. It was so late in fact that even the infamously rambunctious guild known as Fairy Tail was locked up for the night and as quiet as a church mouse. That is until an equally infamous Dragonslayer from said guild broke in for reasons only he knew about.

Shit, shit, shit, where is it! How could I have lost my scarf?" Natsu Dragneel exclaimed as he searched the guild hall for his precious muffler. With his hand bathed in his dragon fire he lit his way through the guild as he looked in every nook and cranny for his scarf.

The reason why his scarf is no longer around his neck would be due to his brave, yet idiotic, challenge towards Cana in who could drink who under the table. Surprisingly Natsu won and barely, but only because he was able to burn the alcohol in his system to keep him sober enough to stay even with Cana. He swore that Cana had to be a Booze Dragonslayer because there was no way that a person could ingest that much alcohol and not die from it. Even with his advantage he felt his liver and stomach dying from the inside out. Even though Natsu technically cheated with the whole body cleansing thing, it wasn't like Cana was above dirty tactics too. If her flirtatious display of revealing her bountiful cleavage when reaching for another mug and her foot playing with his sandaled toes and travelling up to his inner thigh weren't attempts to get him to submit and/or spit out his beer, then Natsu wasn't sure what was. Natsu may be dense but he wasn't as dense as people took him for and he knew perfectly well what Cana was trying to do to him, but it wouldn't happen this time. When the barrels and mugs of beer were moved aside after almost an hour of pounding them back, Natsu was victorious with a noticeable slur and sway in his movements and Cana was passed out on a table mumbling about more beer.

Soon after another famous Fairy Tail brawl started after Natsu's crowning achievement. Sadly he couldn't enjoy it like he wanted because due to his stubbornness and pride he wanted to match Cana drink for drink. That was his first mistake because being the Booze Dragonslayer that Natsu so heavily believed Cana was, she was drinking at a pace that Natsu thought he couldn't match but dammit he wanted to win. His second mistake was that since he was drinking at such a high speed he would sometimes lose focus and forget to heat his internal body temperature to burn the alcohol in his system. Long story short, drunk Natsu in a guild brawl made him less focused and less attentive to the world around him and the lucky shot from Gray made Natsu fly into the bar and loose his scarf. The only way Natsu made it home was because Happy gunned it out of Fairy Tail once everyone began to use magic about 10 minutes into the fight and somehow Natsu was in passed out in the epicenter of the ensuing attacks. Forgive Happy if he didn't want his best friend to die before his time. Thus brings us to Natsu's newest quest: the search for the lost scarf.

"Dammit, I can't remember anything after I beat Cana. Happy said that I got in a fight and Gray knocked me out, like that frozen underpants bastard could. And after that he said he never saw my scarf. Oh man, I gotta find it! Fast!" Natsu began to panic. He quickly went another go around with the guild but he came up with nothing. Natsu was close to burning the place to cinders, Master's punishment be damned before a thought made it in his head. "Behind the bar! Mira always puts lost stuff back there!" Natsu said overjoyed. With a leap across the bar Natsu looked under the counter and low behold he found his scarf neatly folded on one of the bar's inner shelves. Satisfied with his retrieval of his scarf Natsu was all set to go back home but then he picked up a noise coming from inside the guild.

What was that," Natsu questioned. He waited a minute to hear it again before he just played it off as his brain playing tricks on him 'Stupid brain' Natsu thought. Then he heard it again and this time it sounded louder than the last. And strangely enough, Natsu also picked up a scent that he only smelled one other time. Its scent is different but similar at the same time but that's a story for another day. He heard the moaning coming from the guild's infirmary.

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