22nd December: You're Mine family

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Thursday, 22nd December:

Logan: 14; Layla: 8; Leo: 5; Lucas&Luna: 2; Eleanor: 3 (doggo)


"Alright, who is up for a snowball fight?", Owen asked the kids. He and Derek were ready to take them outside for a snowball fight, giving their wives some time to catch up. Maggie was there too.

"Me!", all the kids yelled excitedly and started putting on their clothes. The twins wanted to go outside as well, but they couldn't join the snowball fight, so Zola decided to babysit them since she didn't like being hit with snow anyway.

"Thanks, Zozo!", Amelia smiled at her niece. "Ring the bell three times and I'll be right outside to join you.", she told the girl as she put their clothes on them together with Maggie. "Leo, come here, Honey.", she softly demanded.

"Why, Mama? I wanna go outside!", the five-year-old explained. She was too impatient to wait any longer. Still, she took her mother's hand and let her pull her into her arms to listen to what she was going to say.

"I know you do, Angel.", the brunette smiled and kissed Leo's cheek before she grabbed the girl's winter hat and put it on her head. "There you go. I wanted to make sure your ears were covered the right way. I know you are a big kid now that can put on her clothes by herself, but this was very important."

"Okay, Mommy.", the mini blonde agreed and nodded cutely. "Can I go back to daddy now?", she begged, causing her mother to nod. "Yay!", she giggled and sprinted into her father's arms. Owen blew his wife a kiss and went outside with the children and his brother-in-law.

"Let's make teams.", Bailey suggested. He knew this version of the game from school, where they had taken the time to go outside for a snowball fight for one of his lessons. This was his cousins first snow this year since there was none in Los Angeles.

"Oh yes!", Layla exclaimed. "But we aren't an even number.", she realized and looked confused as she thought about how the group was going to tackle this. "I mean, Logan is basically an adult anyway, so whoever gets him only has three players.", she decided.

"Fair.", Derek figured. "But being fourteen doesn't mean somebody is basically an adult.", he chuckled. "I don't want either Logan or Zola to become adults too quickly.", he pouted, not wanting the kids to grow up too fast.

"Uncle Owen, can Eleanor come with us too?", Ellis questioned with big eyes. She loved the husky, and she knew that the dog loved snow very much, so she figured they could take her.

"Sure! Hey, fur baby!", the redhead called for Ella, who ran down the stairs towards him. "Less sleeping, more being a snow dog.", he ordered, and she barked at him, happily obeying the request and stepping outside. "So, who's gonna team up with me and finish Derek?", he winked at the children.

"Me!", Logan, always happy to be on his father's side, said. He loved his uncle, but he desperately wanted to be on his dad's team. "Who's joining us?", he wanted to know. "We are the winners.", he announced.

"I wanna!", Leo begged. She was a mama's child, but also loved being with her father. And she definitely loved being on her big brother's team because he was her hugest role model.

"Alrighty, then I'll play with Bailey, Layla, and Ellis. And you will see that we're going to be the winners.", the neurosurgeon challenged and started forming a snowball to throw it at his brother-in-law.

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