14th December: Family Stories family (XL oneshot)

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Wednesday, 14th December:

Owen: 53; Amelia: 47; Luca: 18; Mira: 15; Leo: 12; Lily: 11

Ryan: 22; Katie: 22; Riley: 5; Ian & Connor: 3

Liam: 20; Robin: 19; Victoria: 2

Finn: 20; Dennis: 20

Ruby: 20; Ethan: 20

Charlie & Chewie (doggos): 6


"So, you might be wondering why we've gathered here on a weekday's evening to order pizza for dinner. The answer is that you might remember that you're somebody's Secret Santa. Since it's a little after the middle of the time before Christmas, today everybody will receive their present.", Owen explained to the children since the older kids knew what was going on.

"But don't say anything yet about who you have and which gift you've thought of.", Liam warned, knowing his nephews had been about to blurt it out if he hadn't stopped them immediately. "We are going to pull a lot and the person whose name is read aloud will be getting their present from their Secret Santa."

"Miri, you wanted to read the first name, right?", Amelia checked in with her daughter, who excitedly nodded, already holding on to the box with the lots. Once somebody had had their turn of opening a gift, they got to pull the next lot. "Alrighty, let's start then before it gets too late and the pizza already arrives.", she announced softly.

"Ethan.", the fifteen-year-old said and looked up at the blonde. Her little sister excitedly grabbed the wrapped present in her lap and walked towards him to hand it over.

"Thank you, Lily.", the twenty-year-old smiled at the sweet girl, who was beaming since she was so happy that she had gotten to be first. "It's Color by Numbers for adults. Did you remember that I love to paint?"

"Yes.", the little brunette nodded joyfully. "And that you like pandas. Therefore, it's a picture with two pandas on it.", she explained cutely. Her parents had paid hers and Leo's presents since they were too young to spend ten dollars on gifts for their family members, just like neither Riley, Ian, and Connor nor Victoria had actually bought theirs.

But the youngest Huntlings had at least chosen their presents themselves. Mira and Luca had wanted to pay with their own money, although their parents had offered them to buy the gifts.

"Well Lily, you're actually next.", Ethan chuckled after pulling the lot and seeing her name on it. "Oh, your dad is your Secret Santa.", he cheered. He knew how happy it made Owen to think of presents for his children, so it worked out that he had gotten Lily.

"It's the book I have been wanting for an eternity now!", the eleven-year-old exclaimed. "Thank you, Daddy!", she beamed at her father before she pulled the next name. "Mira, it's your turn."

"When it mine?", Connor whined, feeling like he had waited for years now. He started pouting when his father scolded him and told him to wait until somebody read out his name. Upset, he cuddled into his Uncle Luca, in whose lap he was sitting.

"Thank you, Ethan.", the young redhead told her sister's boyfriend once he had given her the gift. "Oh my God, you bought me new nail polish?", she yelled in excitement. Her mother wasn't a fan of her wearing nail polish already and they often fought about it. "Wait, how did you know the exact three colors I've wanted?", she questioned.

"Well...", the blonde shrugged and nodded into Amelia's direction. The adults had agreed on a budget of ten dollars for each gift, meaning the neurosurgeon had decided to give the boy a hint of what he could give Mira.

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