20th December: Closure family

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Tuesday, 20th December:

Leo: 13; Allison: 10; Scout: 9


"Daddy, can we get a crepe?", Allison begged when they arrived at the tree farm, where the family was going to get a Christmas tree. "Please!", she begged. Their parents had picked them up from school, so there wouldn't be snack time today.

"Yes, please!", her brothers joined her in asking for the food. They weren't exactly hungry, but very much in the mood for a snack. "And a hot chocolate!", Leo added when he noticed the sign.

"What do you say?", Owen questioned his girlfriend. He was holding her right hand and Scout's left one, while their other two children were walking by themselves in front of them. "I mean, they won't have snack time today. Naturally, they are hungry now.", he argued in favor of the kids.

"Yes, let's do it. Do you all want a crepe with chocolate cream and bananas, or another version?", the neurosurgeon wondered once they had stopped in front of the small shop. "Do you want one too?", she wanted to know from her boyfriend.

"Let's share one.", he suggested, and she nodded. He waited for the children to tell him their choice before he talked to the employee. "Alright, so, we'd like to order three crepes with chocolate cream and bananas and one with ham and cheese. Plus, two hot chocolates with white chocolate and three normal ones, please."

"Can I have a bite of yours?", Leo asked his little brother, who had been the one to choose the savory version instead of a sweet one. Scout nodded but asked for a bite of the teenager's crepe in return. "Sure thing."

"Is mama going to celebrate Christmas with us?", their sister questioned a few minutes later, when the family was enjoying their snack at a nearby table. Owen and Amelia would have the children over for Christmas.

"And daddy?", the nine-year-old also wanted to know. Link was living with his new girlfriend and her two kids. "I don't want to celebrate Christmas without him.", he pouted. He loved Owen very much, but just because he was his mother's boyfriend, didn't mean he didn't want both his biological parents with him on Christmas.

"Of course, they will.", Amelia promised. "Grandma Evelyn is coming too.", she told the kids. "Just because we are a patchwork family now, does not mean that any other parents is ever going to be forgotten.", she clarified. And nobody is trying to replace anyone.

"Can we look at the trees now?", Leo wondered a few minutes later, when all of them were done eating and drinking. "We need the biggest one.", he informed the others and already pointed at one.

"Honey, we can't take this one. Our living room isn't that big.", his mother chuckled and kissed his head. "We need a smaller Christmas tree.", she pointed out. "Let's go find a cute one."

"What about that one?", the little girl asked and ran over to it. "It's as big as I am.", she proudly shared, which meant a lot to her, but was kind of small in comparison to normal-sized Christmas trees.

"Well...", her father started, not sure how he should tell her that the tree was too tiny because he didn't want to hurt his daughter's feelings. "It's a cute one, but not all our ornaments will fit on it.", he softly explained.

"Then maybe this one?", Scout suggested. "It's smaller than Leo's and bigger than Ally's.", he realized. "And it looks great.", he added. "Can we take it home?", he begged joyfully.

"That one seems just perfect.", the redhead agreed. "Do you all like it?", he wanted to know since the other two kids weren't supposed to be sad now, just because their trees hadn't been the one.

"YES!", the kids cheered. All they wanted was to decorate the Christmas tree and they didn't totally care about what the tree itself looked like when it was naked. Also, it was really cold today, so honestly, they just wanted to get it over with.

"It's beautiful.", Amelia smiled, causing them to buy this one and take it home to decorate it tomorrow after school. Today, Owen would set everything up while his girlfriend was going to play a board game with their children.

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