8th December: Mistakes family

41 5 6

Thursday, 8th December:

Leo: 5; Aiden: 2; Rosalie: 2; Toby: 1


"Honestly, when you told me about your wish of using the grill in winter, I wasn't only confused, but also super skeptical.", Owen chuckled as he put down the bowl with the grilled food. "Didn't think it would work and never done it before.", he added.

"Well, you married a genius, so obviously it worked.", his wife grinned, proud of herself as she handed him Rosalie's plate first. "I think she'll be happy with a sausage, just as Toby."

"I want two sausages and a bit of meat and also some corn, please.", Leo told his parents and held up his own plate for his father to put the food on before the redhead moved on to Aiden's plate, giving him a sausage and some steak as well.

His same-aged sister wasn't a fan of how chewy steak was and therefore only liked sausages. Corn wasn't her favorite food either, but her mother had prepared some bread and a potato salad to have together with the grilled stuff.

"Leo, Honey, do you want some potato salad as well?", Amelia asked her son after she had given the three toddlers some of it to eat. The five-year-old nodded, already chewing on a piece of the meat that his father had cut for him.

"I love using the grill in winter, even if I didn't cook the food.", the little blonde shared with his parents once they filled their own plates after making their four children super happy. While Rosalie wasn't such a good eater, her brothers all loved to eat basically everything, but Toby was too young to have any kind of food, especially small pieces he could choke on like corn.

"I am very glad you like it.", the trauma surgeon responded. It had been super cold outside, so seeing his family appreciate the special dinner made him really happy. "Do you like your steak, Babe?", he wanted to know from the brunette, who nodded and offered him a sweet smile.

"Mama!", their youngest kid said, reaching for another cucumber in front of him. His tiny arms weren't long enough, so he looked pretty upset that he couldn't get another piece of his favorite vegetable.

"Here you go, Love.", the neurosurgeon beamed at the small boy and kissed his chubby cheek after handing him another piece to enjoy before he focused back on the food he already had on his plate. "Aidy, do you like your dinner?"

"Yeah! Sawsitch (sausage)!", he replied, very much in the mood for another sausage, which his father immediately gave him and cut. "Yummy!", he beamed. "Wowsie (Rosie) yum?", he wondered, looking at his sister.

"Uh-huh.", the tiny girl answered and nodded, curiously watching her mother eat some bread. "Me, Mama!", she addressed her and pointed to the food in her hand, wanting a piece of it. "Wowsie!", she repeated.

"Here's some bread for you, Sweetheart.", the brunette laughed and handed half of hers to her daughter. "If it wasn't so cold outside, eating in the snow would have been another wonderful idea, I guess."

"The snow is wet.", Owen reminded his wife and frowned. He wasn't the hugest fan of winters but tolerated them and tried to be more outgoing in the wintery months for the sake of his family. "Pretty, but wet...and cold.", he complained.

"Okay, okay.", Amelia chuckled at her husband. "That's why we are actually eating inside our warm house, Mr. Grumpy.", she mocked him softly and smirked. "How's your food? Everyone here likes theirs, I like mine, what about you?"

"It's good.", the redhead informed her, satisfied with the dinner, especially when Leo asked to get his plate filled another time. "I see, our munchkin is extra hungry today, huh?", he smiled at his son, who excitedly nodded. "Well, we have enough for everybody.", he pointed out.

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