4th December: Family Stories family

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Sunday, 4th December:

Owen: 53; Amelia: 47; Luca: 18; Mira: 15; Leo: 12; Lily: 11

Ryan: 22; Katie: 22; Riley: 5; Ian & Connor: 3

Liam: 20; Robin: 19; Victoria: 2

Finn: 20; Dennis: 19

Ruby: 20; Ethan: 20

Charlie & Chewie (doggos): 6


"Ah, I love Sundays.", Owen smiled at his wife when they were putting on their jackets. They had decided to take every Sunday off, since that was the day of the week on which most of their kids had time for a family day.

"Me too!", Lily beamed at her father and put on her boots because they were currently getting ready for a walk and would meet everyone at Ryan's house. "Can I hold Chewie's leash?", she begged.

"Then I wanna hold Charlie's!", Leo meddled after having listened to his sister's conversation with their dad. Of course, his shoes were still miles away from being put on his feet while he was already grabbing the dog's leash.

"Yeah sure, and while you're at it, maybe take off your socks too, so you can walk Charlie through the snow being barefoot.", his mother teased him, causing the boy to look at his feet in confusion.

"Oh!", the twelve-year-old giggled and handed the leash to Mira, who grabbed it from him as she shook her head. "Don't be mean about it, you probably forgot to put on your shoes at least once in your life as well.", he argued.

"How about you guys hurry up a little? I've been sitting here for ages.", Luca decided to interfere as well. His mom had helped him put on his outside winter clothes before everybody else had started to get ready, so he wasn't quite lying, just a little exaggerating.

"Even Victoria is dressed faster than you are.", Liam proudly shared, joining his siblings' bickering as he carried his daughter and held his girlfriend's hand. "Right, Honey? Do you wanna walk or should we take your stroller?"

"I am team stroller.", Robin mumbled, so their kid wouldn't hear her mother choose for her since, although very small and young, the tiny girl had inherited her grandma's stubbornness through her father.

"Wak (walk)!", Victoria begged and reached for the floor as a sign that she wanted to be put down, so her dad actually let her go by herself for now and noticed that his own father grabbed the empty stroller to push it until the two-year-old was tired of walking.

"Honestly, why the rush?", Mira questioned, holding out her hand for her niece to grasp since the toddler loved to do everything with her aunt. "The way I know Ruby and Ethan, they haven't even left the house yet and well, Ian and Connor are probably holding Ryan and Katie back.", she laughed.

"True, but that doesn't mean that we should be late.", Lily advised, wanting to sound like a teenager too, even if she was only eleven yet. "Also, the dogs need to go potty.", she reminded her sister and went ahead with Chewie.

"Do you still love Sundays?", Amelia asked her husband after locking the door when everyone was outside on the way over to Ryan and Katie, who were actually already waiting in front of their fence together with Finn and Dennis. "Because this whole thing always starts and ends in chaos."

"That's exactly what I love about Sundays.", Owen explained. "This family is not normal and never has been and that makes those events and meetings so special.", he happily grinned and grasped her hand. "Look, Ian and Connor are cuddling with the boys while Riley is the one in the stroller. Isn't that funny?"

"Miss attitude strikes back.", the neurosurgeon chuckled upon noticing the sight of her granddaughter pouting in the stroller. She hated walks, especially in winter. "Hi, everyone!", she greeted them joyfully and crouched down in front of Riley first. "Honey, what is it?"

"I wanted to play, but daddy said I don't get to and that I have to come walk with everybody because it's healthy to be outside and do fitness.", the five-year-old replied. "But Grandma, maybe I don't wanna be healthy and now I don't even get a choice."

"You know, that's because you are still little.", the brunette pointed out. "Look at your grandpa. He didn't wanna do fitness either and now he has a belly. You don't want that, do you?", she wanted to know from the little girl.

"Excuse me?", Ruby exclaimed. Her mother's words had been the first ones she had heard after getting out of the car. "Other than you, dad likes sport and goes to the gym and on runs. Your farthest move is from the bed to the couch to the hospital.", she reminded her.

"Thanks, Sweetie.", her father said as he hugged his daughter and her boyfriend. "No matter how old she gets, she will always stay naughty. Just because you have better genes.", he complained and nudged his wife's arm.

"I hope I have mom's genes then.", Finn shared his point of view because he hated fitness just as much as his mother did. "Anyway, Riley, maybe we find a playground on our walk. Wouldn't that be amazing?"

"COOL!", the twins yelled, even if the question hadn't been for them. They were only three but had learned that word from their Uncles Liam and Luca and also from their Aunt Mira, so they loved to use it all the time since it was much cooler than words like great or awesome. "Will there be ice cweam?", Ian wondered.

"YAY!", Victoria shouted, since she was in fact believing that she would get a cone of the sweet treat considering it was a topic now. "Ice cweam!", she repeated, pulling on Ethan's hand now to make him promise her some.

"Maybe later when we are in grandma's and grandpa's living room.", Katie thought of a compromise, which seemed to satisfy the little children for now. "Let's go now, otherwise we'll never get to leave.", she suggested.

"I am very ready to turn around as soon as one kid doesn't wanna go anymore.", Dennis, who hated winter even if his birthday was in a few days, volunteered. "My hand is also cold.", he sighed when his boyfriend took it. "Much better."

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