"Are you interested in Willow Collins?" Jimin asks walking backward and raising his eyebrows.

I ignored him by pushing past him.

"Ok, you don't like her then why are you taking her to the homecoming ball?" he groans walking beside me.

I stop in my tracks glaring at him. Is he serious?

"ok by that look it's clear, you're not taking her to the ball. Then why are you both practicing together?" he asks again making me stop. He wouldn't stop bombarding these questions right?

"Because I don't have a partner." I shrugged and started walking again.

"Huh, you don't have a partner. Huh, Kim Taehyung doesn't have a partner. The whole school wants to be your partner you idiot." he scoffs shaking his head.

But she doesn't want to- wait I don't want her too either.

I glare at him, "Maybe I don't want one."

He chuckles and smiles mischievously, "Maybe you want one but you're a loser to ask her." this motherfucker-

"For Salazar's sake, Jimin-" I was about to beat his ass but a familiar but annoying voice interrupted.

"Taehyung and Jimin, wait up!"

This annoying chicken.

"Woops, looks like her prince charming came," Jimin whispers to me and walks to the annoying chicken. This bitch-

I mentally break Jimin's arms and walk towards them. "Hey, calm down bro. You look, worried." Jimin says patting his back slowly.

"I'm fine," he nods. "you both have to go to the library." what?

Jimin looks at me and then at him, "Where?"

"To the library, Jisoo told me to get the elites, she didn't seem ok," Jisoo? His words made us tense, we glanced at each other.

What happened?

But why would she want him to-

"the other elites are in class..." Jimin says, "I'll bail them out, you go."

"Okay... Taehyung?" Silas asks looking at me.

If it weren't for Jisoo, I would have never trusted this guy in my whole life.

I nod quickly making my way toward the library. "Did she tell you why?"

Silas glanced at me and shook his head. "But I know it has something to do with Lisa."


"You aren't going?" I ask as he turns the other way.

"I'm missing my class already, I can't get a detention now." he sighs and I nod taking farewell from him. Good for him.

A few minutes in I was in front of the library. Jisoo was talking to Professor Foresteir, her face was tense.

I started walking towards her while she talked off with the professor and started walking out of the library. I don't know, what got her under so much stress that she walked past me ignoring my existence completely. I quickly grabbed her wrist pulling her towards me. She turned and crashed into my chest.

"Ouch what the- V?" her eyes widen glancing at me.

"What's gotten you so much spaced out that you didn't see me at all?" I hate what I just said. It felt like I'm acting like a jealous boyfriend.

"Ah, I'm so sorry, I was just-" she was cut off by an idiot's voice.

"Woah, that was a total Delena moment," yeah it's Park Jimin. I quickly released my hold on her.

"shut up, we don't wanna hear that you watched TVD, Jimin" Jennie said and I glance to see the other elites. "Now tell us why are we here and where is Lisa?"

Everyone glanced at Jisoo and Jisoo sighed.

As soon as I told the elites about the situation, we decided to search the whole school for them

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As soon as I told the elites about the situation, we decided to search the whole school for them. It was very concerning that Lisa wasn't present in the morning classes too. The last time she talked to one of us was Rosé and told her that she was going to her dorm.

Namjoon said that David wasn't there when he left the class too which makes it more clear that what Silas had said was the truth. It's freaking Hogwarts. A small shit can make anyone scared.

"Do you have a free period now?" Jungkook asks as we walk through the hallway scanning each face on our way, I nod "yeah,"

"ok, the great hall is close, we have chances to find David's friends group." He continues and I nod following him.

We both were not alone though, V was also with us. As always he's silent. When I crashed into him or when he intentionally stopped me, was the last time he spoke? Well, I did not mean to ignore him at all. My mind was whirling around the whole situation that I couldn't focus on anyone when I left the library.

Talking about Jungkook, he was a lot more serious then he has always been. Even though they always bicker, deep down he really cares for her and nonetheless, this idiot likes her.

Soon we walked into the great hall. Since the whole school knows us, it wasn't hard to notice that something was off with the elites. All the heads turned to us as Jungkook and I started walking and observing each of the students.

There was a tap on my shoulder, I glanced to see V, and he nods in the front. Jungkook and I glance in that direction and there he was. David.

"that mother fucker," Jungkook mumbles and walks towards him. I glanced at V and we both follow him. The rage of anger Jungkook had was enough to prove that this wasn't going to end well.

But it was a little too late.

"What the hell," David yelled as Jungkook slammed his fist on David's face. The whole great hall scoffs.

One thing led to the other and it was the start of a fight.

Finally, V gets a hold to get in between and push Jungkook out, "For Salazar's sake, enough!"

I pull Jungkook back and V holds David's arm. "You stop and you," V points at David, "Come with us." he looks to the crowd surrounding, "go back to your work,"

We walked out of the great hall dragging David to the hallway. "At least tell me, why the hell are you beating me like shit! Is it because of the Quidditch accident?"

"Shut up and answer the freaking question," Jungkook mutters. "Where is Lisa?"

"I don't know," and there goes another punch.

While they kept asking David questions, Jk's phone starts buzzing in his pocket. I quickly took out the phone seeing Hobi's name flashed on the screen.

"Yes, Hobi."

"We found Lisa, come to the hospital wing asap," and he ended the call.


I glanced at them, "We have to go to the Hospital, they found Lisa."


Was supposed to update earlier last week but I forgot 🫣 sorryyyy.
But, how were your holidays?

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