I pull out my phone and make a group chat to send a message.

Fantastic Five

Me: Hey guys I made a group chat so we can talk to each other at once instead of sending a message one by one

Lily 🌸: Great idea Y/N

Deer 🦌: perfect timing. Father said dinner will be ready at 8 so I'll see you all before then.

Team Jacob 🐺: this is much better than sending owls and waiting all day for a reply

Mutt 🐾: Y/N has my name set as mutt :(

Lily 🌸: 😂 you are one

Deer 🦌: 😲

Deer 🦌: 😂

Team Jacob 🐺: 😂

Mutt 🐾: 🖕🏼

I turn off my phone and turn to Sirius. He is smiling down at the messages before he tucks his phone into his pocket. "Alright sweetheart, I'm going to head home. I'm supposed to visit Frank and Alice as well, better late than never." I walk him to the floo and he brings me into a hug. "Thank you for helping me with my library Sirius." He squeezed me tighter and took a deep breath. "It was no problem sweetheart. I'll see you tonight?" I nod and he pulls away taking a pinch of floo powder. "I'll see you tonight." He gives me a smile before he tosses the power and shouts "Longbottom Manor!"

I go into the sitting room where I have my 'office' setup and pull out parchment and pens to write a letter to Regulus.

Dear Regulus Black,

You don't know who I am, so allow me to introduce myself. My name is Y/N L/N. Don't throw out this letter when you read the next line, but I am a friend of your brother Sirius. I have important information to share with you and would like to meet so we could further discuss. You never know who's peeking through your mail. Please meet me at the Leaky Cauldron tomorrow Monday the 25th at 3:00 pm.

Your new friend,


"Ooo he's definitely going to hate me calling him that for a while." I seal the letter and go up to my owl Hoots. "Hello beautiful boy, can you send this letter to Regulus Black please?" He hoots in reply and nozzles his head in my hand. I open the window and give him scratches until he decides he has enough and flies off to deliver the letter. I then pull out my cell and call a muggle pool construction company to come out and dig one out for me. I remove the muggle repellent just as they come up the street.

Two of them begin measuring the area and the other one sits with me for the design. "I want there to be a platform we could up off of into the pool and a slide that comes off the platform. I'd also like a waterfall as well." We both iron out more details and come up with a design and payment. (Example below)

 (Example below)

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