Chap. 11 🔥

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It turns out that having a notorious and very wanted criminal in your apartment is a lot more stressful than anticipated. Especially when said person is trying to run from a being that can literally teleport anywhere. To make matters worse, Dabi was a clean freak, while Hawks really didn't care. Seeing the villain whizz around the tiny space to pick up everything was exhausting. And it wasn't even his apartment, but the blue-eyed man was going insane with all the takeout containers spread on two counters.

"How the fuck do you live like this?" Dabi asked, bringing a second garbage bag to the front door.

"I don't know, I just do," Hawks replied dismissively, scrolling on his phone.

"Okay, so you're disgusting."

"I forget. Two different things."

"So, lazy?"

"You know, it was better when you were insulting my apartment instead of me."

"Well, I liked it better when my life wasn't in danger, so we're both losers here."

Hawks rolled his eyes and went back to his phone. The villain, getting more and more annoyed by the other, decided that he needed to get out and take a walk.

"Okay, I'm going out before I explode from the sheer amount of arrogance in here," he stated, slipping his shoes on.

"You're one to talk... And didn't you just say you were on the run?" the hero questioned.

"I'm pretty good at disguises."

"If you say so."

As Dabi started down the stairs, Hawks remembered something.

"Yo, Dabi!," he yelled, gaining the other's attention. "Get me a 10 piece from McDee's!"

"Fuck off!"


Once he was back, Dabi threw the box of fried chicken at an unassuming Hawks, earning a startled yelp when it landed on the table.

"Delivery service!" the villain chimed, amused at the reaction he'd gotten.

"Yeah, well, fuck you, too," the hero grumbled, grabbing the cardboard box off the coffee table and beginning to munch on the nuggets.

"Isn't that technically cannibalism?"

"It's clearly not."

"Well, I clearly see a bird happily devouring another bird, so, I don't get what your point is."

"I, Hawks, am a human with wings. This," he said, pointing to the box, "is a chicken. Not the same thing."

"Mhm, sure. Whatever floats your boat, birdie."

The dark-haired man returned to his frantic cleaning, purposefully taking forever with the vacuum cleaner. He only put it away when he received multiple pillows in his face. He chuckled, picking the cushions off the floor and going to place them back. When he got near the  couch, his foot got caught on the coffee table, making him fall on the sofa. His legs were sprawled out on the floor, and he was holding his body up with his elbows. Underneath the villain was a very flustered blondie. His small squeak caught Dabi's attention, making him turn his head to face the hero below him.

"Oh hey, didn't see you there," Dabi smirked.

"S-shut up," Hawks spluttered, his face somehow going a shade darker.

"Awe, you nervous?"

"N-no, get off."

The flame user stood up, his hand lingering near Hawks' waist, and was immediately pulled back down. It was his turn to flush red as a pair of lips settled on his. Hands reached for his hair, tugging slightly. He returned the kiss, cupping the hero's face. Their embrace only lasted a few seconds before Hawks pushed Dabi away, averting his eyes. The villain was slightly disappointed that it ended so soon, but he didn't push it and went to the kitchen to see if he'd be able to find some food. His cheeks were still hot and his lips were tingly.

Hawks was curled into a ball on the couch, his face matching his wings, which were around him acting as a 'protective' layer. He couldn't think straight, the only thing in his mind being the surprise at Dabi's gentleness. Oh, and regret. What if the other hated him now and told Shigaraki to kick him out? The whole plan would be ruined because of some selfish desire. And maybe he was blowing the whole thing out of proportion, since Dabi did kiss him back. But it could've been a trap for something. He groaned, shoving his face into a pillow and muffling the sound.

"You don't even have decent food anywhere?" Dabi questioned, as he walked back into the living room, looking through a random pizza menu he found.

"Haven't been to the store in a bit," Hawks replied, his back still turned to the doorway.

"Don't tell me you're still embarrassed? That's cute."

"You're not helping."

"Not my intention. Anyways, pizza?"


Once Dabi had left, Hawks started to notice how empty his apartment was. He appreciated the cleaning the villain had done, but the reason he was messy in the first place was to fill the space. Without the cluster, the still silence was menacing.

While he was on his phone, he remembered that Dabi hadn't told him about the meeting. Sighing, he opened his contacts and scrolled to Burnt bitch. Too lazy and tired to call, he settled for a text, which was returned seconds later.

-Some shit about the bossman leaving for 4 months. Pretty sure the "Liberation" thing is supposed to start after that.

Well at least the villain still tolerated him enough to transfer information. That was a relief. But Hawks knew the real reason he was relieved wasn't because of work or the mission. He just refused to believe it.


~A/N: Hello! This chapter is a little shorter than the other ones, mostly because its a filler. It still took me approximately 2 weeks to write it because I had no idea what to add. Anyways, happy holidays and enjoy!~

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