Chap. 2 🔥

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"Todoroki? Like Enji Todoroki? Oh my god, are you Endeavour's son?," he didn't want to show it but he couldn't help it. Truth is, Keigo was obsessed with Endeavour. So when his possible friend revealed to possibly be in the family of his favorite hero, he had to ask questions. He didn't notice, however, the scowl that settled on Touya's face while he was rambling. And it deepened every time the #2 hero was mentioned. Which was quite a lot.

"Can you shut up about Endeavour. He's a sick bastard that shouldn't even be allowed to have a place in the hero world, let alone be ranked that high," Touya spat, after trying to ignore Keigo, who was going on and on about how the guy was his saviour and all that.

"Oh. Um, yeah sorry, didn't know you felt that strongly about him. But is he really your father?," the winged boy couldn't resist asking.

"No. I refuse to acknowledge that man as a father," he answered, ending that conversation right there.

Keigo raised his hands in defeat and went to find another toy, since the one Touya was playing with, was two seconds away from crumbling in his hands. He also was backing away from the boy before he was punched in the face for accidentally saying something stupid. Although, he had to ask one more thing.

"Hey, Touya?," he said cautiously.

"What do you want."

"Can we be friends?"

That stunned the white-haired boy into a moment of silence. Keigo was bracing himself for whatever happened next, but whatever beating didn't happen. Instead, he saw that Touya had twisted his body to face him. A big grin was plastered on his face, and his eyes were twinkling in a hopeful manner. It was only for a couple of seconds but it was enough to leave Keigo blushing and fumbling for words.

Touya chuckled at the sight and turned back around, visibly more relaxed.

"Yeah, sure whatever."


Two months went by, both Keigo and Touya growing closer and closer. As it turned out, the agency they'd been sent to was probably closer to hell on Earth than a training center. So the two were each other's comfort in this inferno.

Touya was still the mean one of the friendship, although Keigo was picking up on some of his habits. The other kids tried to mess with both of them at first, but then realized that whatever they were trying to do didn't work. Keigo would always listen to the other conversation and pass it Touya. It was one of their main entertainments. Not that they had a lot to begin with.

"Touya," Keigo said one evening, after their training sessions had ended.

"What?," the other answered, his voice hoarse and tired.

"Stop being all lazy and come with me to get snacks from the kitchen," he demanded.

"Dude. I just went through 2 hours of intensive quirk-training, I do not want to go risk get caught and have to do more," Touya whined.

"Who said we'll get caught?"

"I hate you. C'mon, let's go," the blue eyed kid got up, not before huffing and complaining that this was stupid and they would get caught, and started towards the kitchen. Keigo smirked and ran to catch up with him.

"Knew I could count on you, buddy," he whispered, clasping a hand on his friend's shoulder.

"Okay, seriously, shut up."

Their snack search revealed successful, as they came back with arms full of cookies and juice boxes. They almost got caught at least twice, but where's the fun in having no danger? And in this hell of a place, a little excitement was definitely welcome.

The two ended up in the corner of the room they were so familiar with now. The girl with horns that Keigo seemed to have taken a particular dislike to, approaches the boys, in hope of getting something to eat. They both glared at her, while Touya protectively covered the snacks. She rolled her eyes at them, muttering something along the lines of 'whatever, they're probably infected with boy germs' while storming away to her friends. The two looked at each other before bursting into laughter, banging their fists on the floor.

Once they recovered from their giggling fit, they had to take a moment to catch their breaths. Keigo looked over to Touya for a second but was captivated by what he saw. Fluffy white hair that almost looked like snow, light blue eyes that seemed to captivate all light shone into them and a smile extended by small scars in the corner of his mouth. Keigo was... entranced for a few seconds before snapping out of it. He could feel the blush on his face and tried to make it go away. He didn't completely understand this feeling and it bothered him a little but he wasn't about to make a whole deal about it.

"Are you okay?," Touya asked, a little concerned that his friend was staring wide-eyed into space.

"Hm? Oh yeah, I'm okay. Sorry, I'm just a little tired, I guess," he responded. And just in time, he yawned.

"Me too. We should try to sleep, I think tomorrow, we have double classes," the white-haired boy said, patting the pillow next to him, inviting his friend to get installed beside him. And that's exactly what he did.

Keigo crawled up right next to Touya, and plopped himself onto one of the many pillows they had stolen from the staff dorms. The training center didn't offer dorms for the kids, leaving them in that room anytime they didn't have training or classes. When it came to sleeping, they had to figure it out themselves. So Touya and Keigo stole all the cushions they could manage to hold, so that they could at least sleep on something comfortable, and not concrete floors.

It didn't take long for both boys to fall asleep, curled up against each other. It wasn't a deep sleep but it was the best they could get in these living conditions. Especially when 10 other kids are trying to steal your makeshift bed at all times.

Lots of people believe that others will unite when they're trying to survive. Especially if they are young. But whoever says that is very wrong. Unity is not important for survival. At least that's what the human brain seems to think. But it's like this at any age. Even 8 years old. If being on top is what will make you live a little better, than you must get to the top no matter what.

And it's each person for themselves.

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