-Chapter 6-

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Tw/cw: child abuse, alcohol, swearing, self harm, violence, mentions of a knife


When Finney unlocked his front door he realized he had forgotten to tell his dad he was going to be gone for a couple of hours. He tried sneaking in quietly while the door creaked open. Finney winced in a hushed voice and softly shut the squeaky door. He thought he had made it but when he finished taking his shoes off and started towards the kitchen to grab a small snack his dad stood up from his chair and stomped towards the teenager.

Finney was shaking when his dad started unbuckling his belt. He raised the belt and swung at Finney, however Finney has built reflexes over the years and he miraculously ducked. This of course irked his father even more and he slurred his words so much it was hard to process what he actually said. He was more drunk than normal and Finney knew that tonight wasn't going to end well.

He was right.

Terrance swung again and hit Finney this time, hard. He hit him again, and again, and again. Over and over. Finney's eyes were swelling up with tears while he begged his father to stop. He was glad Gwen wasn't here to see him all bloody and bruised. Terrance didn't stop hitting and yelling. Finney was already on his knees but he felt dizzy and fell to his back.

He had blacked out.


Finney gasped as he awoke on the ground of the kitchen. His eyes were met with pure darkness. The only light he saw was yellow light that came from the living room where his father was sitting in his chair, whiskey in hand. Finney slowly stood up, wincing and checked the time on the clock, '12:00 A.M.' it read.

"Get out," Finney heard the cold voice of his father speak. He was used to getting kicked out but not when it was this dark out.
"W-what?" Finney spoke.
"Get. Out. Now," Terrance spoke before sipping from his glass of whiskey.

Finney didn't need to hear anymore and he rushed out of the door. He stood on the front doorstep thinking of where to sleep.
'The yard? The porch? No, surely not,' he silently thought to himself.

He finally decided to find the abandoned park from before and sleep on a bench or the swingset there. It was pitch black, there were only a couple lights every once in a while but he could barely see a thing. He hoped he could make it to the park off of muscle memory. He was lost in thought and occasionally wiped a tear or two from his eye. His mind's voice was interrupted as he felt his face bump into something hard.

"Ow-" Finney started, but he was quickly interrupted by a familiar and cold voice.
"Watch where the fuck you're going dumbshit. Whoever you are," he heard.
"V-vance?" Finney questioned, squinting, trying to make out some sort of face.
"Finn?" Vance said. "What the fuck are you, ow, doing out here so late?"
"I could ask you the same thing, dumbass." Finney said blankly, instantly regretting his words.
"What the fuck did you just, ouch, call me?" Vance said, clearly in some sort of pain.
Finney took notice of this and ignored the blonde's question and responded with his own,
"What happened to you? Why are you hurt?"
"I got into some fight, ow, outside the Grab n Go with someone. He had a knife and he slashed me across the chest. I still won, ouch, the fucking dumbass," Vance breathed out.

Finney stared blankly at what he could barely make out was Vance.
"Get the fuck over here," Finney said, grabbing onto Vance's wrist and dragging him towards the nearest light.
"What the hell?!" Vance protested, slightly pulling back, but Finney ignored him and struggled to keep a firm grip on the teenager's wrist.
He put Vance under the light but avoided it as he didn't want Vance to see his bloody welts and bruises.
"HOLY SHIT, VANCE," Finney exclaimed, staring at Vance's wounds.

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