-Chapter 2-

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Tw/cw: f slur, swearing, cigarette, bullying, violence, sexual harassment, suggestive


Gwen had left Finney to fend for himself within the depths of hell that is highschool. She had left caught up in conversation with a girl with black hair, she looked like the one from the bus. Either way Finney realised that he was going to be late while he was stuffing his things in his locker. He quickly shut it closed and began walking faster than average. He turned a corner very quickly on his way and bumped into someone. He caught himself before he could fall but unfortunately couldn't stop his books from falling. 'Great way to start sophomore year. Already making enemies. Just great.' He thought to himself.

"Fuck, sorry. I-I was probably walking too fast. Sorry for bumping into you," Finney said nervously as he bent over to pick up his things.
"Hey man, don't sweat it," the hispanic boy replied, helping Finney gather his books.

The boy he had bumped into looked like he could beat ass, as Finney put it at least. He had black hair with a bandana woven in the front. The black hair fell to his bare shoulders as he was wearing a sleeveless top tucked into jeans. His eyes were brown galaxies that made Finney melt. Although, he was not attracted to him whatsoever. Finney nodded in acknowledgement as he started walking off to his class. He opened the door and walked in just when the bell started ringing. He quickly sat down at the only empty desk as the teacher started talking.
"Alright class, before we start today's lesson I would like you to welcome our new student. Finney, I presume?"

The teacher glanced at Finney and he nodded, not wanting to say anything. He didn't like attention when it came to things like this. The teacher had just begun the lesson when Finney noticed a note had been passed to him which read,

'Hey, fag. Why don't you suck me off in the bathroom later? Loser.'

Finney's eyes widened as he sprung his head up and looked around the room. He tried to forget about it and eventually did. That is until the bell rang. He stood up fast and sprinted out of class before anyone could engage with him.

He finally made it to his locker and had many failed attempts at entering the code because his hands were shaky. When he finally got into it someone behind him slammed the door shut. Finney flinched and slowly turned around to see two boys standing. One, had red short hair and the other had black poofy hair. They looked pretty stupid but Finney was intimidated nonetheless. He made an attempt to walk away but was stopped by the red head's firm grip on his shoulder.

Finney yanked the hand off and started speed walking as fast as he could down the hall to the bathroom. The others followed trying to catch up. He practically ran in and he saw another boy with a dark brown mullet standing at the end of the bathroom. The boy had just finished a cigarette and put it out as he started towards Finney.

"Hey, you're the new kid right? I can't believe you actually came here to give me a blowjob. You do know I was joking right? But you couldn't resist because you're a dumb fag," The bully stated, smirking.

"No, I didn't come here to do.. th-that... I was running from them," Finney said, shaking as he pointed to the people behind him who had just made it to the bathroom. The boys were clearly blocking the door on purpose which then Finney knew it was a setup.
"Oh no, Matt and Alex aren't doing anything. It must be a coincidence, right guys?"

The other boys nodded, smirking. He had no idea what was going to happen or why it was happening. Suddenly his shirt collar was yanked as the boy pulled Finney closer. Finney's eyes widened as they were forced upon another set across from him.
"Well, before all this happens I might as well clear one thing up for you," The boy with a mullet said, gripping onto the shirt collar forcing the brunette to look back.

"I'm Matty, and I'm about to make your life a living hell," he spat.
"It already is.." Finney mumbled weakly.
"What was that, fag? Oh nevermind, it doesn't matter anyways." Matty stood back to gain space and swung on Finney. Unfortunately he had no reflexes whatsoever so the fist connected with his face almost instantly. All the boys started laughing like idiots but stopped suddenly as they were interrupted by the bell.
"This isn't over dumbass." Matty said, shoving the brunette to the ground. They left and Finney stood back up while holding his hand to his bloody nose.

What did I do wrong?

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