-Chapter 10-

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Tw/cw: Swearing, child abuse, alcohol, self harm, cigarette, violence


"I'm sorry," said Finney, wiping his face free of his cold tears. Vance was still embracing him, making sure he was okay.

He looked at Finney with complete and utter disbelief.
"What the fuck are you apologizing for," he blurted out, cupping Finney's face with his rough hands. Finney held onto the hands planted on his face by the wrists. He avoided eye contact and said,

"I'm sorry for always crying. I know boys aren't supposed to.."

"Look, obviously you're going through some deep shit. You get bullied all the time, your dad is abusive, and it probably doesn't help that I'm a dick most of the time," Vance stated, gaining Finney's eyes.

"How do you know about my father?"
Finney's question was laced with fear and he was completely awestruck. He thought he was good at keeping it from people.
"Isn't it obvious?" The blonde responded.

A silence fell between the two and Finney turned his face out of Vance's hands. Vance allowed his grip on Finney's face to release but didn't dare let go of his trembling torso. Finney occasionally let a small tear fall out of his reddened eyes and after five minutes of dreadful silence he broke it.

"When you're mean to me, it's not as bothersome as you think it might be," he stated, laying his head down on Vance's stiff shoulder. Vance's face heated up and he gulped.
"Why?" he asked.
"I don't know, I guess I've gotten used to your rough nature.." Finney said this while turning to look at Vance who was already staring.

Another silence fell upon them, it was a comfortable one. Vance wasn't as tense anymore and he laid his head on top of Finney's. Finney was closing his eyes peacefully, enjoying the other's warm clutch.

"Hey, Vance?"


"Can you promise not to tell anyone about my dad? Please.."


"Alright. But, if he does anything remotely close to what he did that night, I will personally murder him."

Finney chuckled at the boy's threat.
"Okay," he said sarcastically.

"What? You think I can't take your asshole of a dad?"

"I think you're funny."

"So you think I'm joking? I'll show you a joke, Finney Blake!"

Vance headlocked Finney and gave him a noogie. Finney started giggling like the cute little boy he was.
"Vance! That tickles!!" Finney exclaimed, tears falling due to laughing so hard.
"So you admit to being ticklish?" Vance asked, stopping to look at a snickering boy.

He smirked heavily and flipped Finney on his back. He started wiggling his fingers around Finney's neck and underarms.
"V-VanCE! SstOp!! Th-thAt! EeEk!"
"Did Finney Blake just squeal? Is that what I just heard," teased Vance, refusing to stop with his tickling antics.


They soon contained themselves and Vance suggested Finney come over to spend the night. Finney agreed and they made their way to Vance's house. When they arrived at the doorstep, as Vance was pulling out his keys and unlocking the door, he informed Finney that his uncle had come back from his business trip today and was fast asleep. Finney nodded, preparing to sneak in like a champ. Vance opened the door and entered, letting Finney in as well.


They got ready for the night, changing and brushing their teeth. Finney used the same pair of pants he did last time and the same toothbrush. Now all they were doing was laying down in Vance's large bed, staring at the ceiling.
"Did you know that male bees can only mate once?" Stated Vance out of nowhere.

~The Black Phone • Vance x Finney~حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن