Riko stared forward for a moment as reality hit her. She was back in her apartment, the clean modern room different than the apocalyptic setting she had just been in. The girl found herself looking around the room, for Chishiya.

But he wasn't there.

     The sound of tint claws hitting the floor down the hallway made her jump up. "Mylo?!"

     The rapid sound of tiny paws were heard and from around the corner of the hallway was Mylo, running to her owner. Riko dropped to the floor, her hands reaching out for the small animal that accepted the excited pets from the human. Tears were almost brought to Riko's eyes at the reunion, "Mylo! Oh my sweet baby I missed you so much!"

     Mylo didn't understand why she was getting so much attention, but she didn't care, she was thriving. Pets were pets.

     Riko heard the loud sound of talking from outside her window and she jumped up, her hand grasping the window seal as she looked outside. There's people. "Holy crap..."

     Her heart began to pound faster. I'm back. A smile broke out on her face. "I'm fucking back! I made it! Mylo I did it!"

     Riko gave Mylo a kiss on the dog's head before rushing to the door. I'm gonna go for a walk, enjoy all the people that aren't trying to kill me all the time. Riko looked at the elevator panel as she hit the bottom floor, a wide grin covering her face. She still couldn't believe that she was back, that there were people, below her.

As soon as she exited the elevator, a different feeling covered her. Now she wasn't outside to enjoy others preserve, she was outside to take a walk after a long day at the work. The situation giving her strong deja vu.

     She had walked for a while, but she was enjoying the outside. Riko made it to an open and quite busy center of Tokyo and avoided the crowd as much as possible as she made her way through. However, she was almost hit by two friends, one a dark-haired man wearing a bright shirt and a tall blond wearing an orange one carrying him on his shoulders.

     The man on top yelled an apology but she only gave an irritated look as she was almost kicked in the face. She continued on, observing strangers as she walked by.

     However, it seemed people were just trying to bump into her. There were two girls, one blonde and one brunette holding hands and laughing. They almost bumped into Riko, but she luckily moved out of the way.

     "Sorry!" The brunette called out before dragging the blonde past her.

     Riko huffed slightly. Am I invisible to people? Can't they open their eyes?

     In front of her she noticed people were stopping, all looking into the sky with amazed expressions. Riko slowed down and followed their gaze. There was a firework crossing the blue sky. Riko watched curiously as the firework turn into sparks, flying past the crowd. Fireworks? In mid daylight?

     Suddenly, a large crash was heard and everything went black.


     She awoke to the sound of a television report being heard. "A meteorite has exploded over Tokyo, causing severe devastation in and around Shibuya City. Firefighting has been proceeding slowly. The identified victims are: Kodai Tatta, Saori Shibuki, Takeru Danma, Sho Okada, Daikichi Karub, Urumi Akamaki, Momoka Inoue, Asahi Kujyo, Chota Segawa, Komori Midari, Misaki Yumi..."

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