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      "Shotguns..." Motherfucking Niragi's annoying ass voice spoke, "Sure don't do a good job of killing."

     Riko looked to the side. She could see Niragi from her position, laying on the ground with a large wound in his chest. But it wasn't enough. Riko turned, spotting the pistol that was dropped by Chishiya nearby, she picked it up and turned towards Niragi with an enraged expression, "Then, I'll just finish the job!—"

     Arisu jumped forward, moving by her side his hand blocking hers that had begun go rise. His good morale shining through as he objected, "No more shooting!"

     Riko felt all the rage in her snap, and she shouted an angry, "You—Fuck...Damn it!" throwing the pistol to the floor.

Riko looked down at Chishiya who stared up at her like she was a bright star in the night sky, and he was an astrologist, admiring every little thing about it. But she didn't notice, her chest swelling with the overwhelming emotions she was feeling.

      Arisu stood up and took a few steps towards the Niragi who had continued to speak on the floor, "Even by mistake, don't you dare call me evil. If there were seven billion of me, then you'd be the ones who are evil. It's good for you...that you're on the side of the masses."

     Everyone was quiet for a moment. Riko was still seething, that's how statistics work dumbass. but trying to distract herself she put more pressure on Chishiya's wound, her inner panic only growing the less he blinked and the softer his eyes grew.

      Suddenly a shadow crossed over them. They looked up to see the King of Spades blimp flying above them. Riko looked up and laughed at the sight. Sarcastically, she ranted, absolutely great. I love this. This is amazing. "We never can get a fucking break." Riko cursed.

I'm done. I'm done with it all. This sucks. I'm tired, I'm bleeding, Chishiya is bleeding, Niragi is still somehow alive, and you send the King of Spades at us? Wow.

     "He's coming!" Arisu rushed towards Chishiya.

     In the distance they heard a man scream, "Run!" as the sound of gunfire was heard following him.

     People started to run by in front of them, and Arisu planned, "Let's move them behind a car."

      "Right." Usagi agreed, standing up from beside Chishiya.

     Riko didn't say anything but grabbed Chishiya's arm. Her and Usagi dragged him behind the red vehicle they had been using as cover before while Arisu and Kurayami moved Niragi. Kurayami "accidentally" dropped his head as Arisu was holding his feet.

     "C'mon!" Usagi waved for Riko to follow her.

     "No," Riko shook her head, "I can't run, I can barely walk. I'd just get shot, it's pointless. You guys go, I'll stay with them."

     "I'll come with, Usagi. I'll help bring him down" Kurayami planned. Usagi nodded and started to back away with Arisu as Kurayami placed a hand into Riko's shoulder, "Hey—You stay out of sight. You hear me?"

     "Yes sir." Riko agreed sarcastically, "Don't get shot because your head is a giant target."

     Kurayami sent her a grin, Riko returned it. It was a farewell that felt bittersweet, because they both knew they might never see the other again. However, they both understood that their friendship meant more to them both than the other could ever understand, and that was enough for them.

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