Chapter 7- Demon in black

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Chapter 7- Demon in black

"May I have this dance?" A demon in black asked rimuru bowing slightly.

"U-uhm sure?" Rimuru replied, starstruck. The man in front of him was no ordinary man. Rather, this man was demon, a very high classed demon. He was also very handsome even though rimuru could only see half of his face. He had pitch black eyes with golden pupils. This man also seemed very familiar for some reason, but rimuru can't seem to recall who this person was for some reason. As they walk towards the dance floor, all eyes seemed to land on them as they started to dance.

"You seem very familiar, have we met before?" Rimuru asked as the demon let out a small chuckle.

"Fufufu, yes we have but you have to figure out who I am by yourself." The demon in black replied. For some reason the way this demon laughs is awfully familiar.

(Ciel, can you figure out who this is?) Rimuru asked ciel in his head.

<<Attention: I have already figured out who this is master but I cannot tell you master. Master must figure it out himself.>>


Rimuru was stunned, ciel has never said anything like that ever before.

(But I need to know incase he's a threat.)

<<I can assure you master, he is no threat.>>

(Who is this guy..)

When rimuru and ciel were done talking, the first song seemed to have ended.

"Fufufu you are a wonderful dancer! I expect nothing less from someone like you, rimuru-sama." The demon praised as rimuru blushed a little.

"Oh it seems like there’s another song! Would you like another dance, rimuru-sama?" The demon asked once more.

"Alright." Rimuru said as he gave up trying to think of who this mystery person is. The two then spent the rest of the song dancing happily as the rest of the guests watched in awe.

"Who is that dancing with rimuru-sama?" Shuna asked as Rimuru and the mysterious demon passed them while dancing happily.

"I don't know but rimuru-sama seems really happy." Gobuta said as he smiled at their master.

"As long as master is happy, it's fine with me." Shion said, accepting the fact that rimuru seemed to have found the one.

"Eh?! But I wanted to dance with rimuru! Who even is this person?!" Milim asked a little disappointed.

"I might have a clue to who that is." Guy said, gaining everybody near him Attention.

"Who is it?!" Ramiris asked excitedly.

"I think it's best not to tell anyone for now. It's gonna ruin the surprise." Veldora replied as everyone begged him to tell them. Ultima, Carrera and Testarossa looked at each other for they already knew who this mystery demon was and gave a small smile at each other.

"Hm and he says he isn't interested in men." Tsuyoi said to himself, laughing at rimuru.

Rimuru on the other hand was enjoying his time on the dance floor. Many people seemed to have gotten over their initial shock and have joined the duo in dancing.

"Such a great dancer." The demon in black praised rimuru.

"You aren't so bad yourself, ya know." Rimuru praised back.

"Fufufu I am unworthy of such praise." The demon replied. They spent most of the night dancing with each other.

It was an hour until midnight and it was also the final song of the night and the duo were lost in each other's arms. They danced every worry, every judgmental glance, away. Rimuru was having the time of his life. It all seemed like nothing else mattered anymore, all that matters was his time with this demon. All his worries were washed away. As the song was coming to an end, rimuru and the demon got closer their lips almost touching when all of a sudden a bottle of wine was thrown at the duo. The demon in black quickly caught the bottle that was thrown.

"My my the audacity you have to throw a bottle at my lord. You must be really asking for death." The demon in black said as he turned around to look at the person who threw the bottle. Everyone seemed to have stopped what they were doing and looked at the sudden commotion.

"Tch! That slime has no right to be called a God! The lowest of creatures, I refuse to believe it." The person, who was human, as he glared at rimuru. By now most of the other guests have moved back a little and rimuru's friends and subordinates have already surrounded the attacker.

"You can't even fathom the power, my master has! I don't expect lowly trash like you to understand." The demon said menacingly.

"Look everyone, the slime can't even stick up for himself and is letting his subordinates protect him. Why do you even bow to such trash or is it maybe that you yourself are also trash! Hahaha!" The person laughed and so did some of the nobles too. Rimuru's friends are now extremely mad. This person came to their master's ball and has the audacity to laugh at their master.

"Enough!" Rimuru screamed as he let his aura out a little.  Most of the people in the room seemed to have noticed this and are shaking from his aura but some of the people who laughed seemed yet to notice the dangerous aura he emitted.

"You can insult me all you want, but never insult my subordinates. You have the audacity to come to MY country and attend MY ball just to look down on us?" Rimuru said as he approached the person who dared insult his country.

"I consider myself a kind person but if you ever insult MY friends I might just kill you." Rimuru said threatening the person who was now shaking from the overwhelming aura rimuru emitted.

"Don't have anything to say now do you? I will let you go just this once but if you ever repeat your mistake I won't hesitate to end you." Just as rimuru said that, the person ran off shaking. Rimuru sighed.

"Sorry for that everyone." Rimuru apologized as the guests seemed to calm down. Rimuru turned around but found that the mysterious demon in black seemed to have left.

"Did any of you see where he went?" Rimuru asked his friends.

"He seemed to have used [Spacial Transfer] to leave my lord." Benimaru explained. Rimuru was saddened that he had to leave.

"Everyone, the ball will continue tomorrow seeing that there was a minor inconvenience." Rimuru announced as he left to his quarters. The guests were confused as to why they can't continue but left anyways. As Rimuru's subordinates, they wondered why their master was quickly saddened.

Rimuru was making his way to his room when he stopped infront of a door. It was Diablo's door. He didn't see Diablo all evening so he decided to pay him a visit.

"Diablo? Are you there?" Rimuru asked as he knocked but he received no answer.

(He must be resting..)

Rimuru let out a sigh and returned to his room.

Diablo on the other hand, was chasing the person who dared insulting his master.

"Fufufu it seems that you've been caught." He said emerging fromt he shadows. He caught the person who insulted his master by the gates exiting out of tempest.

"P-please let me go! I promise I won't do it again..!" The person said pleading for his life.

"Fufufu not after what you said. You dared insulting my master so you must pay the price." Diablo said as he approached the person.

"P-please no!" The person shrieked as he was stabbed to death by Diablo.

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Drama~ please comment and vote. Have a wonderful day/night yall.

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