Her arms fall to her sides in frustration, "Steve, seriously? I always ride my bike, you know this."

"At night?" He shook his head adamantly, "No. You're not doing that, Violet. It's... it's dangerous."

Almost immediately, all of Violet's frustrations left from her body. Her tense shoulders dropped, and her annoyed expression vanished and concern took it's place. She knew exactly what this was about. As October slowly passed leaving November just right around the corner, they inched closer and closer to the 6th of November.

The night that Will disappeared, the night that the gate to the Upside Down was opened.

She crossed over to Steve and pulled him into a hug, wrapping her arms around his waist. He gently placed his hand on the back of her head, and she pushed her face into his shirt.

"You know I'm gonna be okay, right?" She mumbled into his shirt.

"Well, yeah. But—"

"Steve." She interrupts and silenced him, looking up to meet his eyes. "You know I can handle myself."

Steve sighs, "Yeah, I know. You can kill things with your mind with a flick of your wrist. But, I still need you to be safe, okay?"

Violet nods as she stepped back from the hug, "Yeah, I promise."

"And don't stay out too late." Steve told her, "Okay?" He really sounds like their mother. It was weird.

Violet rolled her eyes, but her lips twitched upwards. "I won't."

"All right." He ruffles her hair through her beanie, and she slaps his hand away and readjusted it as he smiled fondly. "Go ahead, have fun."

"Will do." She rushed towards the front door and opens it, "Bye Stevie, be back in a couple hours!" She doesn't wait for him to reply back, and the door closes behind her.

She runs to the garage and grabs her bike, then she hops on and makes her way down the street and through the suburban neighborhood. She passes by white picket fence houses, and homes with expensive cars. Then soon she escapes suburbia and gets to the town square, her view is filled with small owned businesses, and meticulously placed diners, grocery stores, and record shops.

She made it to the arcade around the same time the boys did, and she biked to the rack with them together and hopped off to park her bike. As she stood with the boys, she heard the honk of a car and turned to see the familiar 1976 Ford Pinto that belonged to Joyce Byers pulling up.

"Hey!" Dustin greeted Joyce, and Violet and boys wave at Will through the passenger side window. He waves back enthusiastically before turning back to talk to his mom.

After a minute or two, Will hops out of the car and runs over to them. She smiles and throws her arm around him, "Hey, Byers."

Will smiles, "Hi, Vi."

"How you feeling?" She asked him, giving him a knowing look.

Will rolls his eyes, but she saw the twitch of his lips. "I'm fine, Vi. I promise. I just wanna have fun tonight, okay? No worrying about me."

She nods, "All right, if you say so." She gestured to the doors that the other boys already walked through, "Come on, let's go."

Teenage Calamity ━━ MAYFIELDحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن