Chapter 6: the Arrival

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Location: Shields HQ.

Optimus Prime and the Autobots including the avengers are attending Drifts Funeral. Suddenly Deathwings whistling Engines. Shield agents have there guns trained on him including the Autobots but then Optimus Prime jumps in.

Optimus Prime: stop all of you stand down! Now!

Arcee: Optimus you can't be serious?

Optimus Prime: that is an order Arcee.

Everyone lays down there weapons.

Deathwing then approaches drifts body then brings out his sword and then places it on the ground and speaks an old cybertronian language.

Deathwing: thank you master ( in cybertronian)

Optimus Prime: Deathwing may I ask is Elita-1 alright?

Deathwing puts away his sword.

Deathwing: She is fine For now.

Deathwing then transforms and leaves.

Optimus Prime: bumblebee did you put a tracker on him?

Bumblebee: I did.

Arcee: wow you put a tracker on him at his friends funeral that's cold.

Optimus Prime: as soon as he lands on the nemesis we board that ship and we get Elita-1 back.

Location: the nemesis.

Deathwing returns to the ship at the hanger bay where Starscream and Soundwave are waiting for him.

Starscream: enjoy the funeral?

Deathwing: what how did you know?

Starscream: Soundwave detected your signal near shields base.

Deathwing: forget it I was paying my respects.

Starscream: yes well the space is about to open so be ready.

Deathwing: I am always ready.

Elsewhere in the ship Megatron is in the interrogation room with Elita-1.

Megatron: Elita-1.

Elita-1: Megatron.

Megatron: it's been a while if memory serves it was the battle of Iacon back on cybertron that is where we last meant briefly.

Elita-1: I don't think any of our sides won the battle that day.

Megatron: yes both me and Optimus Where so badly injured that Starscream and you where named as the leaders.

Elita-1: I remember when you two were on the bridge it was the first time you two fought each other. You and Optimus, everyone including me stopped to watch the fight.

Megatron: and we both lost an arm unfortunately for me I lost my fusion cannon arm and I had My decepticons look for it for years.

Elita-1: ok well I am assuming your not here to talk about old times.

Megatron: no I'm not I am here to tell you that well I want you to join the Decepticons.

Location: avengers HQ.

Steve rogers: What! Nick fury wants to what!

Doctor Strange; yes he wants to destroy the Autobots and decepticons.

Tony stark: oh well it is what it is I guess.

Captain America: No! Tony it isn't those Autobots trusted us and risked there life's for us! For you!

Tony stark: Yet what can we do when they decide enough is enough you saw ratchet when he blamed that sword dudes death on us!

Captain America then punches Tony.

Captain America: listen to yourself! What would you do if I disrespected your parents's deaths.

Ironman: don't go there!

Doctor strange: Both of you shut up got you have no idea how small we are in this conflict. Those Autobots just want peace and to go home and yet Shield wants to destroy them use there weapons on our enemies!

Suddenly black widow Bruce banner and Hawkeye walk in.

Bruce banner: what's going on?

Doctor strange: Nick fury wants to destroy the transformers.

Black widow: What! He'll never do that, he never does that to anyone that's good!

Hawkeye: wait does anyone know where the Autobots are now?

Iron man brings up a holographic computer screen.

Iron man: there in the hanger looks there getting ready board the nemesis and Nick fury and what looks like half of shield is on there way there.

Doctor strange: he's beginning the plan.

Captain America: we have to stop him.

Black widow: agreed.

Doctor strange: well what are we waiting for?

Back on the nemesis:

Elita-1: why do you want me to join the decepticons?

Megatron: because this new beginning on cybertron and earth they need leaders and I can not watch two planets at once so I want to be one of those leaders.

Elita-1: why me?

Megatron: because I seen your leadership skills and your loyalty those are two qualities I value the most.

Elita-1: are sure about that? I swear Starscream isn't ether of them.

Megatron: Starscream has his uses. So what is your choice?

Elita-1 starts to think about Optimus's past decisions and just him in general, Elita-1 then looks up at Megatron.

Elita-1: my loyalty is with the Autobots, with Optimus Prime.

Megatron stands and sighs.

Megatron: very well.

Megatron leaves and contacts Soundwave.

Megatron: Soundwave as soon as the army comes through make sure Elita-1 is executed.

Soundwave: Yes lord Megatron.

Back at Shield HQ the ground bridge is about to open and Optimus Prime is with his Autobots.

Optimus Prime: Autobots today we lost a good warrior and a good friend with a good heart his name was Drift he died Protecting us. Us Autobots, so let this be the day that we take the battle the decepticons and honour drifts death by defeating Megatrons army and more importantly rescuing Elita-1!

Arcee: let's do this.

Ratchet: alright the ground bridge is open!

As the autobots rush into the ground bridge they storm there way through the nemesis.

Elsewhere in the nemesis Megatron and Soundwave are in a hallway.

Megatron: Soundwave if we are to win this war we must....

Starscream: lord Megatron! The Autobots they have arrived! And there attacking us from all directions!

Megatron: Prime! Soundwave reinforce Starscream and keep the Autobots busy while I open the space bridge!

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