Jason Isaacs- Change Is Good

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I sighed as I moved the last of our boxes in Jason and I's bedroom of our new house. I hated and loved moving at the same time. I love that we have a bigger house with more room. However, it frustrated me for things to change. I liked knowing where everything was. I sighed again the anxiety now starting to kick in. I played with my hands as I looked around our new partly empty bedroom. Jason had already put together our bed.

"You like it?" Jason sighed proudly hugging me from behind. I smiled and nodded the best I could  struggling to not show my nervousness. Of course Jason knew immediately.

"What's wrong Darling?" He asked his voice getting soft. I shook my head to say nothing, but he knew better and looked at me sternly.

"I'm so nervous Jason, I'm use to knowing where everything is and I don't know, I don't know anything and I don't wanna sound ungrateful because I'm super happy you brought us here and everything is beautiful I just don't know how anything would work and-"

His smile stopped me mid sentence and he pulled into his arms shushing me a little. "It's okay baby you're not doing it alone I'm here I'll always be here. You can't get rid of me easily. Change is good sometimes, sometimes change can be the best thing to ever happen to us." He said sweetly. I smiled nodding as I cuddled into him. "Let's just lay in bed until we feel like getting up." He said chuckling. I nodded and we both hopped into bed. We talked and giggled until soon enough, It was time to get up and get some work done.
I hope you enjoyed. 💛Thanks for reading as always.

Random OneshotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora