Mark Calaway- Snuggles

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I walked into the house and gave a slight Huff causing my hair that was in front of my face to shoot outwards. "Baby is that you?" Mark asked stood on top of the stairs. Every light in the house was off besides the bathroom light that shines dimly from behind him. Marks hair mixed with the darkness hid his face well. It made him look ominous as he breathed in and out slowly.

"You always seem to make yourself look creepy no matter how little you try." I told him with a chuckle as I walked up the stairs towards him. I saw a ghost of a smile display on his lips.

"Anyone who wasn't you probably would've peed themselves." He said, his voice deep and low. At times Mark seemed almost robotic and calculated although never purposeful. I pushed some of the hair out of his face and kissed him softly. He wrapped his arms around my waist and kissed me back.

"Well that's not very Undertaker of you." I said with a small smile. I could even see him roll his eyes in the dark. "I'm tired." I told him after a moment, before I snuggled into his chest.

"Rough day?" He asked running a hand through my hair. I nodded with a tired sigh. He picked me up and carried me towards our bedroom. He dropped me on the bed when we got there and closed the bedroom door before he hopped under the covers with me. He pulled the covers over our heads and pulled me close as if protecting me from the outside world. "We're safe in here, nothing can get us." He said kissing my forehead. I smiled slightly at this before saying, "Most people are scared of you but they wouldn't be if they knew how sweet you are." I said.

"Let's keep it that way, no one needs to know." He said with a chuckle. That caused me to chuckle as well as I leaned into him. "I love you Mark." I said starting to drift to sleep.

"I love you too sweetheart." He said running his hands through my hair.

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