Johnny Depp- Found Out

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TW/ Panic Attack

"Johnny!" I whisper screamed as he latched onto my waist and started kissing my neck

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"Johnny!" I whisper screamed as he latched onto my waist and started kissing my neck. He only made a sound, showing he had heard me. "We already have speculation about our relationship and you're most definitely not helping it right now." I told him, I couldn't help but smile.

"There's no one arou-" He started to say against my neck before we heard a flash and then saw flashes of light. My jaw clenched knowing there was no way out of this one. I heard Johnny growl, slightly angry. He grabbed my arm and we both speed walked away. Of course as usual the cameras always followed.

"Johnny are you dating Y/N?"

"Y/N do you love Johnny?"

"Johnny is this your new lover, are you finally settling down?"

"Are you guys gonna get married?"

One question came after another as we tried to get to our car. I felt Johnny's hand tightening around my arm for dear life. He quickly opened the door for me to get in and hopped in the passenger seat him self. I backed out as best as I could with people crowding us. Soon enough I got out of the parking lot.

Johnny's hands shook as his eyes filled with tears. He tried to hold it together but I think people crowding around him and screaming at him mixed with the media finding out about us was too much. He had plans on taking a break from acting for a while so that we could have a kid. He wanted to be there although I told him he didn't have to stop acting, and that we would manage, he insisted that he would be there for us.  I quickly drove us home which was down the street comforting him the best I could whilst driving.

Once we got home I pulled him out of our car and carried him in the house and upstairs. He held my hand tightly as he tried to slow his breathing. I got down on my knees since he was looking down, making us eye level. I grabbed his hand and started  breath slowly in and out. He followed me and soon enough regulated his breathing again.

"I'm sorry, I thought that there was no one around an- and Th-they came out of no where." He said. I shushed him as we got into some comfortable clothes.

"We'll do whatever we need to later, for now let's relax." I told him, once we laid down in bed.

"You're not mad?" He asked me confused.

I raised my eyebrows confused as to why I should be mad once he saw that I wasn't he sighed in relief.

"It's just that my ex-"

"Is not me, I can't ever get mad at you loving me my darling. That is the worst reason for hatred or anger, I'd be more heart broken if you hadn't." I told him kissing his forehead sweetly. I chuckled slightly at a thought that popped in my head. We had be discovered. "I guess we've been found out." 

He smiled  before saying, " I need to figure everything out, I'll be ready to move to France in the next couple of days." He smiled widely before kissing me. I smiled back cuddling into him. We both fell asleep soon after.
I hope you enjoyed 💛 Thanks for reading.

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