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I wake up to the sound of my phone's alarm clock.

I try to ignore it, but the sound becomes more annoying with every second, so I reluctantly reach behind me to shut it off.

I go back to lying in my bed, fully prepared to fall asleep again. But then I get the urge to check what day it is.

I feel around on my nightstand for my phone. After not being able to find it, I sit up to probably look it for it.

It's not on the nightstand.

I look over the edge of my bed.

It's on the floor. Unplugged.

I grab my phone and it's charger, then press the power button. It turns on, the battery percentage being on 54%.

Will it last the whole school day on just 54%?

Remembering my school hours, I decide to charge it anyway. I check the time while I'm at it.


I check the date.


Guess going to back to sleep is no longer an option anymore.

Begrudgingly, I get out of bed and drag myself into the shower, hoping the warm water will wake me up.

~ 𝙰𝚏𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝚂𝚑𝚘𝚠𝚎𝚛 ~

By the time I come out the shower, it's 6:37am.

Now feeling more awake, I get dressed quite quickly. I end up having spare time to make myself and actually breakfast.

While I'm at my kitchen island, my phone buzzes from the kitchen counter. I lean over.

1 new message

I clean my hands of the grease from breakfast, then unlock my phone.

Skipping school today too?

I smile at the message.

Not today. I'll be there.

Mitsuya's response comes instantaneously.

Good. You can't be disappearing on me out the blue.

I smile at the message.

I check the time.


I thumb out a simple 'see you at school' text then put my phone back on the counter.

I continue to eat my breakfast. I'm already half way done with it.

I'll probably have time to kill after this, and school doesn't start till 8am.

I think about Iris.

Would he be awake at this time? The hospital is only 30 minutes away by bus, I should be able to make it there and back before school starts.
That wouldn't work. His visit time doesn't start until 6pm, so seeing him isn't an option.

I then think about my mom.

.....how far is St. Shiro from here?

I grab my phone from the counter again, and look up the distance.

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