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Morning time.

I hate it. I'm not a morning person. Never will be. I hate the entire process. The sun shining in my face. Waking up. Especially the waking up part. I hate that with a passion.

Anyways, today is the first day of club activities. Great.

I reluctantly roll out of bed and get the day started. I do my morning routine and head downstairs where Mom is cooking away happily.

"Morning ma." I say sleepy.

"Morning Y/n. Why do you look so tired? It's only 8am!" She says.

"Yeah, too early." I say sitting down at the dining table.

Mom just rolls her eyes and shakes her head. "You're such a sleepy head. No wonder you love summer break so much." She chuckles.

Mom brings over a plate of (favorite breakfast) and I'm instantly awake. I begin eating away as Mom makes a smoothie for her and someone else.

"Hey ma?" I say, putting my hand in front of my mouth while I chew.

"Yes sweetheart?" She replies.

"Where's Sk- Aunt Skye? She isn't gone already right?" I ask, a pinch of disappointment in my voice.

"Yeah, Skye and Scyler unfortunately had to go home early. Duty calls." She says sympathetically.

"They were only here for one day..." I mumble, disappointed.

"I know, I know. But hey, that visit we planned has been moved down to a week now! So don't look so down." She says rubbing my back comfortingly.

I nod, "Okay." I chow down the last of my breakfast and stand up. "I gotta go now. See ya after school Mom." I say hugging her.

"Alright sweetie! Have a good day!" She says.

"You too!" I say, before closing the door. I see my brother having trouble with his new bike. I snicker as I walk pass him.

I told him it was likely just a scam...

I begin jogging down the street, I keep doing so until I reach the convenience store on Sīhe.

I walk in and greet Rezeal. "Hey man, you're finally discharged." I say happily.

He had a few scars on his face and arms but otherwise, he was fine. And that made me happier than anything.

"Yeah, I got released at midnight. How ya been?" He asks with a warm smile.

"How have I been? How have you been!? I wasn't the one who got sent to the hospital!" I say making my way around the counter to hug him.

Like I mentioned before, we aren't close but even so, he welcomed me when I first came to Japan, so I wanted him to welcome him back home.

We pull back from each other and Rezeal speaks, "So, came here for the usual?" He asks.

"Nahh, I just came here to see if you were here before I head for school. I've doing that since the day after you were taken to the hospital. Not gonna lie, I expected you to be in there for at least a month!" I say cheery.

Rezeal nods, "You mentioned you were heading for school. It's not even 9 yet so what's that about?" He asks.

"Ah, yeah. Club activities start an hour before school and ends once school starts. They also take place after school." I say, rolling my eyes, "And even the school hours are way too long."

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