07. speechless bees

Start from the beginning

"I would rather ride a flying unicorn then go to that misogyny." Her remark made everybody laugh and you turned to her, "Think about it, a bunch of people in one place. The hyde is bound to show up. Just saying it would be a great place to gather evidence."

"Fine, but I'm picking out my own outfit."

For Enid Sinclair in particular, the Poe Cup race was always a fascinating time of year. She had lost to Bianca and her mermaids three years in a row, and there was no way in hell she was going to let it happen again.

Even if it meant a little sabotage, they were confident they would prevail with the help of Thing and Aspen Indigo. Bianca played that way, so all you had to do was defeat her at her own filthy game.

You were in your tent, adding whiskers to your cat costume after struggling to get it on. However, you drew your boundary line at the cat nose.

You turned to face Wednesday, who was staring at herself in the mirror with disgust, as if she were dressed in a rainbow-colored suit with unicorns all over it. She despised costumes, especially the skimpier ones.

You on the other hand we're a bit of a fan. Not the best, but the costume was cute, and it definitely wasn't enough to ruin the great day you we're already prepared to have.

As you and Wednesday finally walked out quiet a few heads turned, especially the boys in joker costumes.

It wasn't an unusual thing, or so you thought, but once you saw Enzo nudging Xavier in a playful manner you assumed he made some kind of comment because they were both looking straight at you.

You chose to ignore it and walk down to where the rest of your group was, hopping into the boat and looking around at the others.

You heard Bianca say some snarky mean girl comment toward Wednesday, to which she replied with, "For the record, I don't believe that I'm better than everyone else. Just that I'm better than you."

That comment made you giggle as Principal Weems started doing her little speech. You caught a glare of Xavier, who gave you a small wave before turning and saying something to Lorenzo. Enzo gave you a wink and then pointed between the two of you and made a heart with his hands.

You rolled your eyes and began to focus as you heard Weem's speech come to an end, and she shot her gun in the hair and the teams began rowing.

You were sat in the first seat, in front of Enid who was followed by Wednesday then by Magnolia-Jean.

You all rowed as fast as you possibly could, and ducked when you heard the team near you, pull an alarmingly loud lever. They appeared to be some kind of grim reapers or whatever, which you found funny as they spiraled and all fell out of their boat.

You were now in second, Xavier's jokers in first as you rowed with all your strength, blowing your hair out of your face as you began approaching the dock where you all got off.

"Thing." You heard Wednesday and watched as Thing jumped into the water, assuming he was stopping one of Bianca's tricks.

Once you got to the dock, you and Wednesday ran out and told the other two to stay in case Bianca tried to sabotage your boat.

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