Mason Hewitt x Cory Bryant - Part 2

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Cory POV
I was so confused on why Mason Hewitt one of he hots guy in are school would protect me I was so confused. As soon as he pulled me out of the way Liam got in front of us keeping Theo Tracy Hayden and Josh away from me.

'Why the hell are you protecting him he is apart of my group no Scott's.' He hissed at them.

Then out of nowhere Scott walked over to see Mason and Liam protecting me. I run over to stop a fight from happening in school.

'What the hell is happening over here Mason Liam?' He asked in a calm voice.

'Well Theo was about to hit Cory because he was talking to us. We were the ones that started the conversation not him.' He said in a more calm voice.

'Ok i do not see the problem with are group talking in school if they want to Theo they have free rights just like us so do not treat them like garbage.' He said in a nice tone.

I felt safe with mason I did not now what this felling was yet but I will figure it out soon hopefully. So Hayden looked fuming with me because she thought I new that she hated them all but I did not care they were all so nice to me. As we walked In to class I was going to sit by my self and get bullied by Hayden because during since Hayden loved making me do all of the work. But to day in class Mason sat next to me. I started to realise what the feeling was it was me having a crush on him how fun I can't show emotion or Hayden will tell theo on me and get me in a lot of trouble. But Mason could tell i was in to hime some how.

'Hey Cory you ok?' He asked in a nice voice.

'I'm ok I guess you?' I said in a scared and nervousness voice.

The I put it to gather Liam was a WereWolf he can smell emotion. And he was texting mason about it. I looked back at Hayden who gave me a Seth glare i new i was dead later to day. When the bell rang Mason and Liam waited for me to get my stuff to get here but like normal Hayden pushed my over and my stuff gos everywhere.

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