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𝐊𝐀𝐑𝐀 𝐅𝐑𝐎𝐖𝐍𝐄𝐃 𝐀𝐒 she headed towards Peter's locker. She could already tell that he was still upset, and though it seemed that Ned was trying to cheer him up, he continued to move sluggishly and let out deep sighs that shifted his shoulders.

"Hey . . ." Kara greeted as she leaned against the locker next to his. "How you feeling?"

Peter only gave another sigh as he grabbed a textbook and shoved it inside his bag.

"Good, good," she mused, nodding. "How about you, Ned?"

Ned shrugged. "I'm okay."

Kara pressed her lips together as she watched Peter shut the locker door rather hard and tug on his backpack straps.

"Let's go," he mumbled.

Though Kara and Ned tried their best, they just couldn't seem to get Peter to even crack a smile during the entirety of their first two periods. In fact, he barely even blinked when Ned tilted his chair back too far and fell onto the ground.

Kara was praying that a little food in his stomach would maybe bring him into a lighter mood. So, she led the way to the cafeteria for lunch with higher hopes than before.

While Peter and Ned went into the line to buy food, Kara headed towards their usual table and took a seat. She placed her lunch bag on the table, but she barely got the chance to open it when her phone rang.

Her eyebrows furrowed when she saw that it was Amelia. What reason would she have to call? She knew Kara was at school.

Tentatively, Kara picked up the phone. "Hello?"

"Hey, your school, it, um . . . it's pretty big, huh?"

"Uh . . . yeah?" Kara shrugged, glancing around. "I guess?"

"Cause I'm looking at this map, and like . . . I have no idea where I'm going."

"Map? Why do you have a map of—" Kara's eyes widened in realization, and she let out a long groan. "Amelia. Where. Are. You."

"That's what I'm trying to figure out," she sighed. "Peter says we're in the science wing, but isn't, like, this entire school the science wing?" Her voice became a little distant, "Excuse me, could you point to where we are on this map?"

"Get out! Leave!" Kara whispered angrily, rubbing her forehead. "Go back to the Mansion or the Compound or anywhere that's not here!"

"Okay, and then, to get to the cafeteria . . . right . . . yeah . . . got it. Thank you!" There was a pause before Amelia's voice returned to its normal volume, and she could practically hear the grin in her voice, "Kara, why didn't you tell me high school was this nice? These kids are so friendly—"

"No! Leave! Oh my God, this is my worst nightmare."

"It's super loud, though, I can't hear anything you're saying. That's okay, I'll be there in a minute. I think."

"No, please, no. Just leave," Kara begged, glancing up at the doors. "Go. Back to the Mansion."

Unfortunately, Kara could get no more pleas in as Amelia abruptly hung up, and a groan passed through Kara's lips as she shoved the phone into her pocket.

"Something wrong?" questioned Ned as he sat across from her and placed his tray on the table.

Kara could only respond with another groan, to which Ned patted her on the arm.