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"Nothing so far."

"Okay," Kara sighed as she sat down on top of the ledge, ignoring the slight lurch in her stomach as she looked down at the street that was about fifty feet below her.

She frowned as she thought about the math homework that she hadn't finished yet. Not that she was particularly worried about the homework itself—rather, she was worried about the fact that she had promised to send her answers to Ned by six o'clock, and it was now nearing eight. She was sure her phone had vibrated itself off the desk from the number of times Ned had texted her.

Whatever. He had probably moved on and asked Peter or Sam for the answers.

"There is a bank robbery taking place on Roosevelt Avenue."

"Got it, thanks, Hermione." Kara shifted her face mask on, making sure that it was covering most of her face before teleporting inside.

She quickly turned invisible before anyone could notice that she was there, and squinted her eyes as she looked around and assessed the situation.

There were four robbers—two of them were yelling at the cowering bank tellers, while the other two patrolled the room, keeping their eyes on the bystanders that were pressed against the wall with terrified looks. All of them clutched heavy guns, and their gloved fingers were locked around the trigger.

So . . . not great.

Kara narrowed her eyes as she tried to come up with a plan. It'd be better to somehow knock them out all at the same time, otherwise, they might start shooting. The problem was, she couldn't do any explosives—there were innocent people in there, after all.

Kara sighed. She'd just have to do her best.

She crept up to the nearest one, who was leering at a woman with his gun prominent in his hands. Kara snatched the gun from his hands, and as he whipped around wildly in surprise, she hit him in the head with the butt of the gun, causing him to fall back and lay limp.

To reassure the bystanders that were screaming, Kara turned herself visible and blasted the other patroller with a burst of cyan energy. He flew back, hitting the wall and sliding down as the gun fell out of his slackened hand.

The other two robbers had turned to her by this point, and their shaky hands pointed their guns at her. The widened eyes that peeked through their ski masks and the voices that trembled as they yelled at her to stop told her that they were already far too afraid, which was exactly what she needed.

Kara became invisible once again and teleported behind one of the robbers. She tapped his shoulder, causing him to spin around in fright, and punched him in the face as soon as he did.

He stumbled back while the other robber swung his gun around and searched for her, but was soon knocked down as Kara sent a blast his way.

The former rubbed his hand against his cheek as his eyes roamed around the room, but one blast to the chest, and he was down too.

Feeling relieved eyes set upon her from all the bystanders, Kara quickly formed a rope out of her energy and rounded the men up, then swiftly tied them together in a back-to-back circle.

After giving small nods and "You're welcome"'s to the bystanders as they thanked her and sent her appreciative smiles, Kara teleported back to the rooftop and sighed. Another successful mission.