"Oh!! You are right Princess Avantika, I was baffled when Vika disclosed such a significant and crucial matter regarding Prince Chitranjan's previous behavior, which was forbidden to be ever brought up infront of him or others, by none other than Maharaj Chiranjeev." Dhanvik continued with a mock serious expression, whereas Adhvika gave him a wide smile showing all her thirty two teeth's. Which received a snort from Avantika.

"Close your mouth Adhvi, you cannot fool us by acting innocent. We are very well aware about your oh-so-great- innocence. " Avantika exclaimed with an eye roll, this offended the Great Adhvika Mahajan as she stopped smiling and scowled.

"Oh Please!! My innocence is not lost!" Adhvika stated with a pout. For which both Dhanvik and Avantika burst out laughing as if it was funniest joke they have ever heard.

"Right!! It was never present to begin with, so how in the heaven will you loose it?" Avantika smugly retorted back, making both Adhvika and Dhanvik's jaw drop. Only few people had this special and unique ability to make Adhvika Mahajan speechless, one such person was Avantika her bestfriend in Dwapar Yug.

"Now, now,jokes apart, I seriously want to know why for Mahadev's sake did you think it was a brilliant idea to make poor Bratha Chitranjan the evil one in your story?? And what did you say ? He wanted to become the Yuvraj!! When did that happen? Why did you not inform this to Bratha Aviraaj, I am positively sure that he would have been the happiest person in the whole universe and I can certainly assure you that he would celebrate this day even more majestically than his future wedding." Avantika mockingly questioned Adhvika with a tight lipped smile, in return she received a sheepish smile from her bestfriend. Dhanvik shook his head, while being so done with Adhvi already.

"I had a mission to accomplish, hence I did what I did, you know sometimes to achieve something great you have to sacrifice some things and in this case some people dear to you." Adhvika nonchalantly answered with a shrug as if it was the most common thing to do and they were too stupid to understand that. Both Avantika and Dhanvik stared at her in disbelief.

"May I know the great mission of yours Vika for which one of the best warrior, phenomenal strategist, your kindest, sweetest and smartest Bratha as well as the Prince of Karnata Dynasty became the evil one and the sacrificial lamb?" Dhanvik curiously asked his bestfriend who smiled instantly with a nod.

"Of course you can know, I simply wanted to stop the unnecessary fight that breaks out between these cousins and also to lessen the hate that they have for each other, hence I made up the whole story, as this was a much needed information for some smart people, who would have never understood the meaning or taken it seriously if I would have directly confronted them. So yes this story indeed was critically important for some changes to occur in the current situation between the cousin brothers. " Adhvika verbalized with utmost seriousness, however the reaction to her explanation was a puzzled look by both of her best friends, which quickly changed into a suspicious one.

"And may I ask why are you so interested in helping these cousins? Last time I checked you were the Great Princess Adhvika, who would rather happily learn to use all the weapons than being nosy and poking her nose in other people's business, especially these Royals for whom you have given some really colorful words." Avantika asked while narrowing her eyes, even before Adhvika could react to her question. Dhanvik spoke.

"As far as I know, you love some of the royals here as much as the horses loves you except for Agastya. So I am more than curious now to know why on earth are you doing this? There is definitely something more than just you being kind hearted and helping them. Because let's face it, Vika doing something solely out of kindness doesn't really fit well. I don't mean to offend you Vika, as you for sure can be kind but only to some extent not to such extent, especially for these Royals whom if given the chance you'll sacrifice them without a single thought. " Dhanvik pointed out smartly. Avantika nodded her head in agreement, whereas Adhvika on the other hand was amused by her friends understanding. They knew her too well! She chuckled to herself and plopped on the sofa next to her.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 19, 2023 ⏰

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