Chapter 25

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A/n:- Hi everyone!!👋🏻
I am here to thank you all for 5k. *dramatically bowing* I thank all my active readers as well as my silent readers. *bowing once again* I hope that you all will continue to support me. And please vote more guys...*The Great Adhvika Mahajan enters and interrupts the Author*... Your vote motivates her more great readers, and now the AUTHOR'S long thank you speech is finished, thank you for tolerating her. I know you all love me more then her, so you all may proceed to read my greatness. "The Great Adhvika Mahajan drags the dumbfounded Author away*.

Also don't skip the A/n at the end,I want to inform you all something.★



Oh God!! Me the great Adhvika Mahajan is going to die.

Oh! No,no,no....

I am definitely going to die....

I knew it, I seriously knew it...


I feel dizzy already...
Oh my goodness!! The symptoms has already started,I am going to die...

"I am going to die!!" I exclaimed loudly...

"WHAT?" Dhanvik shouted, I hissed at him for being so loud...
Oh God!! My head is killing me.

"What do you mean by that Princess? " Dhanvik whisper-shouted at me.

I gave him a droll stare and scowled at him.

"I thought that I was speaking Sanskrit Dhanvik, it meant what I said." I answered unamused by his question.
He was still confused by my words.
I sighed heavily and shook my head at this.

"So how exactly did you come to the conclusion that you are going to die Princess?" Dhanvik curiously questioned me. Hmm, now he is asking something worth answering.
I nodded at Dhanvik who frowned at my sudden nodding.

"I have a serious headache, and I feel like sneezing, also my whole body is aching, there is literally no such part in my body which isn't aching. I feel like coughing,I feel like puking . Cherry on top of that is,  I feel dizzy,This just concludes that I am going to die." I gave him a detailed explanation about the complexity and severity of my situation.
Me the great Adhvika Mahajan is going to die, here in Hastinapur , oh my goodness!!...
My eyes widened immediately..

I am going to die at such an young age...
Oh hell no!!

Dhanvik crossed his arms and shook his head in disbelief, as if he was rethinking his life decisions.

What's the point in that though? What's done is done,we can't change it.
Let's focus on the most important issue.
I am going to die..

"Princess you are not going to die, it's just that you are showing the symptoms of heavy cold and fever.Also about the dizziness,it's because of your great self, you were pacing back and forth from nearly an hour, if you were not feeling dizzy, then it would have been a big deal considering the constant pacing you did till now, You are just going to have fever, That's it." Dhanvik monotonously muttered and shrugged, while I gapped at him.

Excuse me?
What the heck did he say?

You are just going to have fever, That's it.. I mimicked him in my mind.

He said fever so casually, ha!! He is not some doctor for my sake, he was speaking as if it was no big deal...
My life is in stake here..

My whole family are Doctor's for my sake.
I know about diseases more than him.....
Atleast hope so. Wait, does he have a medical degree in here?

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