Chapter 2

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I was once again binge watching some of the documentaries, don't get me wrong,I just like to know about different peoples opinion about these epics, which people think that is myth and it may just be some type of people's imagination,but I just wanted to know that,how can one imagine or write such an epic which has so many pages, so many characters, their behaviours, different personalities,so knowledgeable and what not ? I don't think they could just make up all these things. Mahabharat it's not just a war not just something that was fought to take their rights,it was so much more than that,it comes under the category of ‘Itihaas' for a reason in Hinduism and ofcourse it may not be fully correct, let's be honest here I mean if you are playing a game in which you have to pass words only by saying in one person's ear, the result you receive at the end will most certainly contain atleast one word which is different from the 1st person's words or more specifically sentence. So why can't this great epic might have not taken place?

Ok, enough serious talk about that right now,I think me and serious doesn't fit in the same sentence. Hmmm but why do I think that I forgot something, well it's ok,if I have forgotten about it then maybe it's not that important .

I was about to get up from my bed so that I could go downstairs for breakfast,but just as I shut my laptop and stood up Dev bhai (elder brother) entered my room with his usual charming self, well let me tell you guys something about my bhai (brother) he is handsome as well as intelligent and by looking at him anyone would think that he can get any girl just by standing there and doing nothing,but believe me my brother is a snail in the matters of love.

I mean can you believe it?A girl came to my brother and she herself asked my brother if he would go out with her,I mean come on how dumb can you become? the girl is asking you out by herself and this genius here said her or more like explained her, his schedule which he created for himself and started giving her time management classes and said her not to waste her precious time like this and she should invest this time on some productive activity which is related to knowledge and learning, and that poor girl just apologised for wasting his precious time and turned around and walked or more like she ran and never turned back to look at him,it was like if she would mistakenly turn around , my brother would curse her because she wasted his time and that she would turn into a crow or something like that and believe me I saw all of this live infront of my eyes.

As she was my senior at that time and bhai came to pick me up from my university and that was my first time seeing someone running in their 6 inch heels as if a wild animal was chasing her.

As I was so lost while thinking about how my innocent brother is going to die as a celibate person,oh my god!! just like Bheeshma,I knew it my brother can be his reincarnation.

"Adhvi...." My brother called me while shaking my shoulders .

"Bhai,I got it now,Oh my god! I know why you are like this, you are the reincarnation of Bheeshma." I said to him grinning from ear to ear and jumping up and down like a bunny,well that is Jungkook but it's ok.

"And even I found out something want to know what it is?" He said to me as excited as me,I nodded eagerly.

"That,why didn't you become a doctor like the rest of us?" He said still smiling as if he found out a way to replace human eye with a chimpanzees eye and I gave him a puzzled look.

"Because people who need treatment for their own brain can't become a doctor." He said excitedly while looking at me,wait was he insulting me? I just shook his hands from my shoulders and crossed my arms on my chest and pouted,how mean!!

"How mean bhai!! You can't do that,I just compared you to a great warrior and you compared me to a mad person." I said with a scowl.

"My dearest sister correction I didn't compare you,I said you are in need of a brain treatment and If you wanted to compare me to someone,why not make me lord Krishna itself?" He questioned me and I stared at him as if he just disclosed that Bheeshma had a secret wife, which nobody knew and my dear brother found that information,I mean that was not possible, so is my brother being Krishna.
1) because he is not God, obviously.
2) krishna was a flirt and a charmer and my Bhai and flirting........ Let's leave it,as even thinking about it seems blasphemy to me.
I shook my head to clear out these thoughts.

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