Chapter 22- War at home III

Start from the beginning

" Was I supposed to just stand and watch ?"

I smiled,a smile that didn't reach my eyes .
" I should have expected that ".

   I suddenly lost the urge to soak in warm water. I should leave the room now,I couldn't afford to wake them up. I walked as fast as I could out of the room ,I practically ran down the stairs and went into the garden.
      The night was cold,the wind was a little heavy and I was still in my gown. I didn't have the time to grab a jacket ,he would come for me any moment now. I knew he chased me down the stairs but I guess I was pretty fast .
  Any moment now - I'll count to five

" 1...2...3....."

"Sally !! "  He huffed .

I smiled still not turning to face him,I hadn't even counted to five yet.

" Jeez! You're pretty fast " .  He said still panting hard.
" Why did you follow me here?" .  I asked even though I knew the reason .

" Because we're not done talking ..."

"There's nothing to talk about !" 

" Look ...I'm sorry ,I'm really sorry". He paused and this time I turned to look at him.  " You know ,even if I knew she had hurt our children I'll still run to her .....she was bleeding ,I couldn't just ignore that . What if she had lost consciousness? "   He continued.

" Do you love her? ". 


Absolute silence.

I saw his Adam apple bopped up and down.
I didn't even know why I asked ,it just flowed out of my mouth. Honestly I had been wanting to know because his actions were confusing me. I wanted to be sure before letting my guard down.
          The look on his face made me fear the answer he would give or maybe I shouldn't have asked.
     He married her so he should love her, why else would he take her side and show concern. I saw the look on his face when he saw Pamela bleeding. 

I was just being stupid.

" I......I .... I'm ....I  ...".  He couldn't even find the right words to say. My eyes started to sting again,I didn't want to hear his answer ....I was too scared to hear it.

" It's don't have to tell me . I don't want to hear it".

" Sally's natural to want to help someone who's injured. "  He said obviously trying to evade the question.

" Yeah I know ,forget I said that".

" I didn't pretend when I said I wanted you....and every other thing was real. I care about you a lot,you are the most important......."

" Don't toy with me ". I cut him off . " Don't play with my feelings .... I'll give you this last chance ".

" Last chance ? "   He didn't seem to get what I was saying.

" Choose's either me or her . Make your choice now! ".

It felt like the earth stopped moving. I knew he didn't expect this at all .

I just couldn't take it anymore,we needed to settle this once and for all. If he chooses Pam then I'll have no choice but to leave him ,If he chooses me then he'll have to divorce Pam. I couldn't continue sharing him with another woman,it's either I have him all to myself or not have him at all.
     " Sally .....we could settle our differences
,there's......" . 

" Just choose !!..... Me or her? ".

    He opened his mouth and then closed it and opened it again but no words came out. Was it that hard for him to make a choice ? So our ten years of marriage meant nothing to him?
   I was really a fool wasn't I? ,at this point I thought I already knew his answer .


Pretty hard choice we have here don't you think? . What do you think Cisco would do or rather who would he choose ?

Thanks so much for reading and for the support.

  For those of you who listen to music while reading ,I listened to Time by NF while writing this chapter and I think it's a great background music that can spike your imagination.

Love y'all ❤️

~Vinnianca .



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