Chapter 24: heartbreak for a good reason

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It had been a few day since the argument.
The house was very quiet.

Your thoughts were getting to you.
"What if I started a war against France"
Please brain I'm begging you to shut the fuck up.

Your room was a mess you had became a tad depressed from being stuck in the house all you did was sleep and occasionally do something to cause Francis a little trouble.

What. Something hit my window.

A rock.
Whose out there.
Gilbert and gilbird
He had a note in his beak. 'Help me get in' it read.
You wave to Gil and creep downstairs.
No sign of France, maybe he went out.
You guys haven't been on speaking terms recently.
Quickly you open the back door and usher the two in. Before anyone could say anything you grab Gilbert's hand and pull him up to your room.

"Hey hey (y/n) zhat eager to see me huh" *wink wink*
"Oh shut up, why did you come here if France sees you, you're gonna get hurt bad."

Gilbert gives you a sad smile before pulling you into a tight hug.
You start crying into his chest.

"Come on (y/n) it can't be zhat bad here vith Francis jou are family after all. Me und vest are getting along...ish zhere is still arguing now und zhen" Gilbert rubs your back and then pulls away and stares into your eyes.
"Can we just cuddle for a bit...please" you ask and Gilbert smiles and you both get into your bed and do exactly that. cuddle. It was so nice to have someone you love and there's no talking and now noise and no disruptions.


Your had barely had any time with Gilbert and now France is back.

"I better go see him, I'll be right back" you whisper and get up but Gilbert tugged on your shirt,
"Forgetting something Frau?" Gil grinned and you kissed the corner of his mouth and went downstairs.

"Well good morning (y/n) do jou know what time it iz" France commented
You just rolled your eyes and turned to leave
"Vait désolé, vhy do you act in such away now, it's so hard to see you upset. I miss how close ve vere" Francis mumbled "i am sorry you's just I'm so scared for you now...its vas terrifying and heartbreaking vhen you..."
"Died" you finished his sentence. Francis was turned away from you but you could see his body tremble. He was crying.
"Francis...i...I'm sorry i don't know how it was for you when i was gone" you hugged him awkwardly.
"Oh my sweet vas...unbearable to have zhe only family who loved me and i care so deeply for ripped away from me...i vas broken for a long long time and all i did vas fight for your land i vent against alot of orders just to get you back and I'm terrified of losing you again. Every day brings me anxiety thinking about you and your future...even thinking about the past upsets me. Oui i may be strict on rules now but...its only because i vant to protect you until i know you vill be okay..." France breathed a sigh of relief as if he had a weight of his shoulders and he pulled you in close and cried a little harder into your hair. "Je t'aime...oh (y/n) if only you knew how zhis feels"

Prussia however had heard everything from upstairs and had wiped away his own tears. He had to leave. He knew he was being selfish keeping you so close all for himself endangering you just to be together for a moment or two. France was right about how weak you were at the moment so he had to leave until you were a strong country once more maybe then you two could get the happiness you both deserved. Or maybe all this heartbreak and sadness was deserved.
Prussia wrote a note and left it on the bedside table before sneaking into the bathroom and out the window and making his way back to his brother Germany.

You let France sob into your shoulder until he felt better. "I love you too big brother...please don't be sad anymore because I'm back and i promise not to break your heart again" France pressed a kiss on the top of your head before wiping his tears and making a start on making lunch for the both of you.
You went back upstairs to check in Prussia when you saw the note and opened it.

"Mein dear,
It hurts to do whats best but maybe that means the rewards will be all the more sweeter and awesome.
I heard what France had to say and...I'm doing the not so awesome thing by leaving and its for a good reason i still love you and always will but France was right you're weak and you need time to rest and work on becoming strong so...i wont be seeing you or sneaking to see you until i know you wont be in danger of...dissolving again...i think about what happened everyday and I'll never forgive myself or west for what happened.
Please stay safe and always remember how much the awesome Prussia loves you my sweet awesome (y/n).
P.s. Gilbird didn't want to leave you so...he sorta is staying with you happy birthday...or Christmas...or Easter well whatever i missed take care of yourself and Gilbird xxx"

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 10, 2023 ⏰

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